local setmetatable = setmetatable local base = require( "radical.base" ) local wibox = require( "wibox" ) local item_style = require( "radical.item.style.arrow_single" ) local item_layout= require( "radical.item.layout.horizontal" ) local common = require( "radical.common" ) local shape = require( "gears.shape" ) local module = {} local function setup_drawable(data) local internal = data._internal -- Use a background to make the border work internal.widget = wibox.widget.base.make_widget_declarative { { { id = "main_layout" , spacing = data.spacing or nil, _data = data , layout = internal.layout_func or wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal }, id = "main_margin" , layout = wibox.container.margin, }, shape = data.shape or shape.rectangle or nil, shape_border_width = data.border_width , shape_border_color = data.border_color , widget = wibox.container.background , } internal.layout = internal.widget:get_children_by_id("main_layout")[1] internal.margin = internal.widget:get_children_by_id("main_margin")[1] --Getters data.get_visible = function() return true end data.get_margins = common.get_margins function data.get_widget() return internal.widget end data:get_margins() if data.style then data.style(data) end common.setup_item_move_events(data) end local function new(args) args = args or {} args.border_width = args.border_width or 0 args.internal = args.internal or {} args.internal.setup_drawable = args.internal.setup_drawable or setup_drawable args.internal.setup_item = args.internal.setup_item or common.setup_item args.item_style = args.item_style or item_style args.item_layout = args.item_layout or item_layout args.sub_menu_on = args.sub_menu_on or base.event.BUTTON1 local ret = base(args) return ret,ret._internal.widget end function module.flex(args) args = args or {} args.internal = args.internal or {} args.internal.layout_func = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal() local data = new(args) return data,data._internal.margin end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on;