local type = type local capi = {timer = timer} local beautiful = require("beautiful") local theme = require("radical.theme") local object = require("radical.object") local module = { -- style = require("radical.item.style"), -- layout = require("radical.item.layout"), arrow_type = { NONE = 0, PRETTY = 1, CENTERED = 2, }, event ={ NEVER = 0, BUTTON1 = 1, BUTTON2 = 2, BUTTON3 = 3, SELECTED = 100, HOVER = 1000, LEAVE = 1001, }, item_flags = { NONE = 999999 , DISABLED = 1 , -- Cannot be interacted with URGENT = 2 , -- Need attention SELECTED = 3 , -- Single item selected [[FOCUS]] HOVERED = -1 , -- Mouse hover PRESSED = 4 , -- Mouse pressed USED = 6 , -- Common flag CHECKED = 7 , -- When checkbox isn't enough ALTERNATE = 8 , HIGHLIGHT = 9 , HEADER = 10, -- Implementation defined flags USR1 = 101, USR2 = 102, USR3 = 103, USR4 = 104, USR5 = 105, USR6 = 106, USR7 = 107, USR8 = 108, USR9 = 109, USR10 = 110, }, } local function load_async(tab,key) if key == "style" then module.style = require("radical.item.style") return module.style elseif key == "layout" then module.layout = require("radical.item.layout") return module.layout --TODO handle colors this way -- elseif key:sub(1,7 ) == "get_fg_" then -- -- elseif key:sub(1,7 ) == "get_bg_" then -- -- elseif key:sub(1,17) == "get_border_color_" then -- end return rawget(module,key) end local function hide_sub_menu(item,data) if item._tmp_menu then item._tmp_menu.visible = false item._tmp_menu = nil data._tmp_menu = nil item:emit_signal("state::changed") end end local function set_infoshapes(item, shapes) if item.widget and item.widget.get_children_by_id then local infoshape_widget = item.widget:get_children_by_id("infoshapes")[1] if infoshape_widget then infoshape_widget:set_infoshapes(shapes) end end end -- local registered_items = {} -- local is_watching = false -- local mouse_tracker = object{} -- local function watch_mouse(a,b,c) -- print("move",a,b,c) -- end -- local function register_mouse_track() -- if not is_watching then -- -- end -- end local function new_item(data,args) local args = args or {} local item,private_data = object({ private_data = { text = args.text or "" , -- height = args.height or data.item_height or beautiful.menu_height or 30 , width = args.width or nil , icon = args.icon or nil , prefix = args.prefix or "" , suffix = args.suffix or "" , bg = args.bg or nil , fg = args.fg or data.fg , --TODO don't do this border_color= args.border_color or data.item_border_color , border_width= args.border_width or data.item_border_width , bg_prefix = args.bg_prefix or data.bg_prefix , sub_menu_m = (args.sub_menu and type(args.sub_menu) == "table" and args.sub_menu.is_menu) and args.sub_menu or nil, sub_menu_f = (args.sub_menu and type(args.sub_menu) == "function") and args.sub_menu or nil , checkable = args.checkable or (args.checked ~= nil) or false , checked = args.checked or false , tooltip = args.tooltip or nil , style = args.style or data.item_style , layout = args.layout or args.item_layout or nil , infoshapes = args.infoshapes or nil , shape = args.shape or data.item_shape , overlay_draw= args.overlay_draw or data.overlay_draw , item_border_color = args.item_border_color or data.item_border_color or nil , }, force_private = { visible = true, selected = true, index = true, }, autogen_getmap = true, autogen_setmap = true, autogen_signals = true, }) item._private_data = private_data item._internal = args._internal or {} theme.setup_item_colors(data,item,args) item.get_height = function() return args.height or data.item_height or beautiful.menu_height or 30 end item.get_bg = function() return data.bg end item.get_fg = function() return data.fg end item.state = theme.init_state(item) for i=1,10 do item["button"..i] = args["button"..i] end -- Use _internal to avoid the radical.object trigger data._internal.visible_item_count = (data._internal.visible_item_count or 0) + 1 item._internal.f_key = data._internal.visible_item_count -- Need to be done before painting data._internal.items[#data._internal.items+1] = {} data._internal.items[#data._internal.items] = item -- Getters item.get_selected = function(_) return item.state[module.item_flags.SELECTED] == true end -- Setters item.set_selected = function(_,value,force) private_data.selected = value -- Hide the sub-menu local current_item = data._current_item if current_item and current_item ~= item or force then current_item.state[module.item_flags.SELECTED] = nil current_item:emit_signal("selected::changed",false) hide_sub_menu(current_item,data) end -- Unselect item if value == false then item.state[module.item_flags.SELECTED] = nil return end item.state[module.item_flags.SELECTED] = true data._current_item = item end function item:set_hover(value) local item_style = item.item_style or data.item_style item.state[module.item_flags.HOVERED] = value and true or nil item_style(item) end function item:set_text(text) local text_w = item._internal.text_w if not text_w then return end if data.disable_markup then text_w:set_text(text) else text_w:set_markup(text) end if data.auto_resize then local fit_w,fit_h = text_w:get_preferred_size() local is_largest = item == data._internal.largest_item_h --TODO find new largest is item is smaller -- if not data._internal.largest_item_h_v or data._internal.largest_item_h_v < fit_h then -- data._internal.largest_item_h =item -- data._internal.largest_item_h_v = fit_h -- end end item._private_data.text = text end -- Overlay and underlay item.set_infoshapes = set_infoshapes item.set_icon = function (_,value) local icon_w = item._internal.icon_w if not icon_w then return end icon_w:set_image(value) end -- Listen to signals item:connect_signal("state::changed",function() item:style() -- Some item.style need full widget repaint if item.style.need_full_repaint then --TODO HACK HACK HACK for the repaint, this is really, really stupid data._internal.layout:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") --TODO END HACK end end) -- Add support for long hover and press local main_timer,press_timer = nil item:connect_signal("mouse::enter",function(_,m,--[[mod,]]geo) if not main_timer then main_timer = timer{} main_timer.timeout = 1.5 main_timer:connect_signal("timeout",function() item._internal._is_long_hover = true item:emit_signal("long::hover",item,mod,geo) data:emit_signal("long::hover",item,mod,geo) main_timer:stop() end) end if not main_timer.started then -- item:connect_signal("mouse::move",test) main_timer:start() end end) item:connect_signal("mouse::leave",function() if main_timer and main_timer.started then main_timer:stop() -- item:disconnect_signal("mouse::move",test) elseif item._internal._is_long_hover then item._internal._is_long_hover = nil item:emit_signal("long::exit",data,item) end end) item:connect_signal("button::press",function() if not press_timer then press_timer = timer{} press_timer.timeout = 1.5 press_timer:connect_signal("timeout",function() item:emit_signal("long::press",data,item) -- item:disconnect_signal("mouse::move",test) press_timer:stop() end) end if not press_timer.started then -- item:connect_signal("mouse::move",test) press_timer:start() end end) item:connect_signal("button::release",function() if press_timer and press_timer.started then press_timer:stop() end end) return item end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new_item(...) end, __index=load_async}) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;