local setmetatable,unpack,table = setmetatable,unpack,table local math = math local base = require( "radical.base" ) local color = require( "gears.color" ) local wibox = require( "wibox" ) local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) local cairo = require( "lgi" ).cairo local awful = require( "awful" ) local util = require( "awful.util" ) local fkey = require( "radical.widgets.fkey" ) local button = require( "awful.button" ) local checkbox = require( "radical.widgets.checkbox" ) local vertical = require( "radical.layout.vertical" ) local horizontal = require( "radical.layout.horizontal" ) local item_layout= require( "radical.item.layout.icon" ) local item_style = require( "radical.item.style.rounded" ) local glib = require( "lgi" ).GLib local margins2 = require("radical.margins" ) local capi,module = { mouse = mouse , screen = screen, keygrabber = keygrabber },{} local max_size = {height={},width={}} local default_radius = 10 local dir_to_deg = {left=0,bottom=math.pi/2,right=math.pi,top=3*(math.pi/2)} local function get_direction(data) local dir = data._internal.position or "left" return dir,dir_to_deg[dir]--"left" -- Nothing to do end --No, screen 1 is not always at x=0, yet local function get_first_screen() for i=1,capi.screen.count() do if capi.screen[i].geometry.x == 0 then return i end end end ------------------------------------ -- Drawing related code -- ------------------------------------ local function rotate2(img, geometry, angle,swap_size) geometry = swap_size and {width = geometry.height, height=geometry.width} or geometry local matrix,pattern,img2 = cairo.Matrix(),cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(img),cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, geometry.width, geometry.height) cairo.Matrix.init_rotate(matrix,angle) matrix:translate((angle == math.pi/2) and 0 or -geometry.width, (angle == 3*(math.pi/2)) and 0 or -geometry.height) pattern:set_matrix(matrix) local cr2 = cairo.Context(img2) cr2:set_source(pattern) cr2:paint() return img2 end -- Draw the round corners local function mask(rotate,width,height,radius,offset,anti,bg,fg) local invert = (rotate ~= 0) and (rotate ~= math.pi) local width,height = invert and height or width,invert and width or height local img = cairo.ImageSurface.create(cairo.Format.ARGB32, width, height) local cr = cairo.Context(img) cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.SOURCE) cr:set_antialias(anti) cr:rectangle(0, 0, width, height) cr:set_source(bg) cr:fill() cr:set_source(fg) cr:arc(width-radius-1-offset,radius+offset*2,radius,0,2*math.pi) cr:arc(width-radius-1-offset,height-radius-2*offset,radius,0,2*math.pi) cr:rectangle(0, offset, width-radius-1, height-2*offset) cr:rectangle(width-radius-1-offset, radius+2*offset, radius, height-2*radius-2*offset) cr:fill() return rotate~=0 and rotate2(img,{width=width,height=height},rotate,true) or img end -- Do not draw over the boder, ever local function dock_draw(self, w, cr, width, height) -- Generate the border surface if not self.mask or self.mask_hash ~= width*1000+height then local dir,rotation = get_direction(self.data) self.mask = mask(rotation,w.width,w.height,(beautiful.dock_corner_radius or default_radius) - 2,1,0,color(self.data.border_color or seld.data.fg),color("#FF000000")) self.mask_hash = width*1000+height end cr:save() --Draw the border self.__draw(self, w, cr, width, height) cr:set_source_surface(self.mask) cr:paint() cr:restore() end --Make sure the wibox is at the center of the screen local function align_wibox(w,direction,screen) local axis = (direction == "left" or direction == "right") and "height" or "width" local offset = axis == "height" and "y" or "x" local src_geom = capi.screen[screen].geometry local scr_size = (src_geom[axis] - w[axis]) /2 w[offset] = scr_size if direction == "left" then w.x = src_geom.x elseif direction == "right" then w.x = src_geom.x + src_geom.width - w.width elseif direction == "bottom" then w.y = src_geom.y+src_geom.height-w.height else w.y = src_geom.y end end ----------------------------------------- -- Size and position related code -- ----------------------------------------- -- Change the position, TODO local function set_position(self,value) self._internal.position = value end local function get_position(self,value) return self._internal.position end -- Compute the optimal maxmimum size local function get_max_size(data,screen) local dir = get_direction(data) local w_or_h = ((dir == "left" or dir == "right") and "height" or "width") local x_or_y = w_or_h == "height" and "y" or "x" local res = max_size[w_or_h][screen] if not res then local full,wa = capi.screen[screen].geometry[w_or_h],capi.screen[screen].workarea local top,bottom = wa[x_or_y],full-(wa.y+wa[w_or_h]) local biggest = top > bottom and top or bottom res = full - biggest*2 - 52 -- 26px margins max_size[w_or_h][screen] = res end return res end -- local function get_size(data,screen) -- local max = get_max_size(data,screen) -- if data._internal.orientation == "vertical" and h > max then -- -- elseif data._internal.orientation == "horizontal" and w > max then -- -- end -- return w,h,max -- end -- The dock always have to be shorter than the screen local function adapt_size(data,w,h,screen) local max = get_max_size(data,screen) -- Get the current size, then compare and ajust local fit_w,fit_h = data._internal.layout:fit(20,9999,true) -- Get the number of items minus the number of widgets -- This can be used to approximate the number of pixel to remove local visible_item = data.visible_row_count - #data._internal.widgets + 1 if data._internal.orientation == "vertical" and h > max then local wdg_height = data.widget_fit_height_sum --TODO this assume the widget size wont change -- data.item_height = math.ceil((data.item_height*max)/h) --OLD data.item_height = math.ceil((max-wdg_height)/visible_item) w = data.item_height h = max data.item_width = w data.menu_width = w w = w + data.margins.left+data.margins.right data.default_width = w data._internal.private_data.width = w elseif data._internal.orientation == "horizontal" and w > max then --TODO merge this with above local wdg_width = data.widget_fit_width_sum data.item_width = math.ceil((data.item_height*max)/w) data._internal.private_data = data.item_width w = max h = data.item_width data.item_height = h data.menu_height = h h = h + data.margins.bottom+data.margins.top -- data.default_width = h end if data.icon_size and data.icon_size > w then data.icon_size = w end data._internal._geom_vals = nil return w,h end -- Create the auto hiding wibox local function get_wibox(data, screen) if data._internal.w then return data._internal.w end data:emit_signal("dock::request") local dir,rotation = get_direction(data) local geo_src = data._internal._geom_vals or data -- Need to be created befoce calling align_wibox local m = wibox.layout.margin() m:set_widget(data._internal.layout) m:set_margins(0) data._internal.mrgns.widget = m -- Make sure the down will fit on the screen geo_src.width,geo_src.height = adapt_size(data,geo_src.width,geo_src.height,screen) local w = wibox{ screen = screen, width = geo_src.width, height = geo_src.height,ontop=true} align_wibox(w,dir,screen) w:set_widget(m) data._internal.w = w -- Create the rounded corner mask w:set_bg(cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(mask(rotation,w.width,w.height,(beautiful.dock_corner_radius or default_radius)-2,1,0,color(beautiful.fg_normal),color(beautiful.bg_dock or beautiful.bg_normal)))) w.shape_bounding = mask(rotation,w.width,w.height,beautiful.dock_corner_radius or default_radius,0,1,color("#00000000"),color("#FFFFFFFF"))._native local function prop_change() w:set_bg(cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(mask(rotation,w.width,w.height,(beautiful.dock_corner_radius or default_radius) -2,1,0,color(beautiful.fg_normal),color(beautiful.bg_dock or beautiful.bg_normal)))) w.shape_bounding = mask(rotation,w.width,w.height,beautiful.dock_corner_radius or default_radius,0,1,color("#00000000"),color("#FFFFFFFF"))._native end w:connect_signal("property::height",prop_change) w:connect_signal("property::width" ,prop_change) -- Hide the dock when the mouse leave w:connect_signal("mouse::leave",function() if not (data._tmp_menu and data._tmp_menu.visible) then data.visible = false end end) data:emit_signal("visible::changed",true) -- Bring back the placeholder when hiding data:connect_signal("visible::changed",function(data,val) if not val then data._internal.placeholder.visible = true end end) return w end -- Create the "hidden" wibox that display the first one on command local function create_placeholder(data) local screen,dir = data.screen or get_first_screen() or 1,get_direction(data) local h_or_w = (dir == "left" or dir == "right") and "width" or "height" local hw_invert = h_or_w == "height" and "width" or "height" local placeholder = wibox{ screen = screen, [h_or_w] = 1,[hw_invert] = 1,bg="#00000000", ontop = true,visible=true } placeholder:geometry({ [h_or_w] = 1, [hw_invert] = capi.screen[screen].geometry.height -100, x = dir == "right" and capi.screen[screen].geometry.width -1 or 0, y = 50}) -- Raise of create the main dock wibox placeholder:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function() get_wibox(data,screen).visible = true placeholder.visible = false end) -- Move the placeholder when the wibox is resized data:connect_signal(((dir == "left" or dir == "right") and "height" or "width").."::changed",function() -- placeholder[hw_invert] = data[hw_invert] align_wibox(placeholder,dir,screen) end) data._internal.placeholder = placeholder -- Adapt the size when new items are added data:connect_signal("layout_size",function(_,w,h) if not data._internal._has_changed then glib.idle_add(glib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, function() if not data._internal._geom_vals then return end local w,h,internal = data._internal._geom_vals.width,data._internal._geom_vals.height,data._internal if h == 0 then h = 1 end if w == 0 then w = 1 end -- Resize the placeholder internal.placeholder[hw_invert] = (hw_invert == "height") and h or w align_wibox(internal.placeholder,dir,screen) -- Resize the dock wibox if internal.w then w,h=adapt_size(data,w,h,screen) --TODO place holder need to do internal.w.height = h internal.w.width = w align_wibox(internal.w,dir,screen) end data._internal._has_changed = false end) end data._internal._geom_vals = {height=h,width=w} data._internal._has_changed = true end) end local function setup_drawable(data) local internal = data._internal local private_data = internal.private_data -- Create the layout internal.layout = data.layout(data) internal.layout.__draw = internal.layout.draw internal.layout.draw = dock_draw internal.layout.data = data -- Getters data.get_x = function() return 0 end data.get_y = function() return 0 end data.get_width = function() return internal.w and internal.w.width or data._internal.layout:fit(9999,9999,true) end data.get_height = function() if internal.orientation == "horizontal" then return beautiful.default_height else local w,h = internal.layout.fit(internal.layout,9999,9999) return h end end data.get_visible = function() return true end data.get_direction = get_direction local mrgns = margins2(nil,{}) data._internal.mrgns = mrgns data.get_margins = function() return data._internal.mrgns or {} end function data:set_visible(value) if internal.w then internal.w.visible = value or false end end -- This widget do not use wibox, so setup correct widget interface data.fit = internal.layout data.draw = internal.layout end local function setup_item(data,item,args) -- Add widgets local f = (data._internal.layout.setup_item) or (layout.vertical.setup_item) f(data._internal.layout,data,item,args) -- Buttons local buttons = {} for i=1,10 do if args["button"..i] then buttons[i] = args["button"..i] end end item:connect_signal("button::release",function(_m,_i,button_id,mods,geo) if #mods == 0 and buttons[button_id] then buttons[button_id](_m,_i,mods,geo) end end) -- Tooltip item.widget:set_tooltip(item.tooltip) end local function new(args) local args = args or {} local orientation = (not args.position or args.position == "left" or args.position == "right") and "vertical" or "horizontal" local length_inv = orientation == "vertical" and "width" or "height" -- The the Radical arguments args.internal = args.internal or {} args.internal.orientation = orientation args.internal.get_direction = args.internal.get_direction or get_direction args.internal.set_position = args.internal.set_position or set_position args.internal.setup_drawable = args.internal.setup_drawable or setup_drawable args.internal.setup_item = args.internal.setup_item or setup_item args.item_style = args.item_style or item_style args.bg = color("#00000000") --Use the dock bg instead args.item_height = 40 args.item_width = 40 args.sub_menu_on = args.sub_menu_on or base.event.BUTTON1 args.internal = args.internal or {} args.internal.layout_func = orientation == "vertical" and vertical or horizontal args.layout = args.layout or args.internal.layout_func args.item_style = args.item_style or item.style args.item_layout = args.item_layout or item_layout args[length_inv] = args[length_inv] or 40 -- Create the dock local ret = base(args) ret.set_position = set_position ret.get_position = get_position ret.position = args.position or "left" ret.screen = args.screen -- Add a 1px placeholder to trigger it create_placeholder(ret) return ret end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;