local setmetatable = setmetatable local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) local color = require( "gears.color" ) local cairo = require( "lgi" ).cairo local wibox = require( "wibox" ) local checkbox = require( "radical.widgets.checkbox" ) local fkey = require( "radical.widgets.fkey" ) local underlay = require( "radical.widgets.underlay" ) local theme = require( "radical.theme" ) local module = {} -- Add [F1], [F2] ... to items function module:setup_fkey(item,data) item.set_f_key = function(_,value) item._internal.has_changed = true item._internal.f_key = value data:remove_key_hook("F"..value) data:add_key_hook({}, "F"..value , "press", function() item.button1(data,menu) data.visible = false end) end item.get_f_key = function() return item._internal.f_key end end -- Like an overlay, but under function module.paint_underlay(data,item,cr,width,height) cr:save() local state = item.state or {} local current_state = state._current_key or nil local state_name = theme.colors_by_id[current_state] or "" local udl = underlay.draw(item.underlay,{style=data.underlay_style,height=height,bg=data["underlay_bg_"..state_name]}) cr:set_source_surface(udl,width-udl:get_width()-3) cr:paint_with_alpha(data.underlay_alpha) cr:restore() end -- Apply icon transformation function module.set_icon(self,image) if self._data.icon_transformation then self._item._original_icon = image image = self._data.icon_transformation(image,self._data,self._item) end wibox.widget.imagebox.set_image(self,image) end -- Setup the item icon function module:setup_icon(item,data) local icon = wibox.widget.imagebox() icon.fit = function(...) local w,h = wibox.widget.imagebox.fit(...) return w+3,h end icon._data = data icon._item = item icon.set_image = module.set_icon if item.icon then icon:set_image(item.icon) end item.set_icon = function (_,value) icon:set_image(value) end return icon end -- Show the checkbox function module:setup_checked(item,data) if item.checkable then item.get_checked = function() if type(item._private_data.checked) == "function" then return item._private_data.checked() else return item._private_data.checked end end local ck = wibox.widget.imagebox() ck:set_image(item.checked and checkbox.checked() or checkbox.unchecked()) item.set_checked = function (_,value) item._private_data.checked = value ck:set_image(item.checked and checkbox.checked() or checkbox.unchecked()) item._internal.has_changed = true end return ck end end -- Setup hover function module:setup_hover(item,data) item.set_hover = function(_,value) local item_style = item.item_style or data.item_style item.state[-1] = value and true or nil item_style(item,{}) end end -- Create sub_menu arrows local sub_arrow = nil function module:setup_sub_menu_arrow(item,data) if item._private_data.sub_menu_f or item._private_data.sub_menu_m then if not sub_arrow then sub_arrow = wibox.widget.imagebox() --TODO, make global sub_arrow.fit = function(box, w, h) return sub_arrow._image:get_width(),item.height end sub_arrow:set_image( beautiful.menu_submenu_icon ) end return sub_arrow end end -- Proxy all events to the parent function module.setup_event(data,item,widget) local widget = widget or item.widget -- Setup data signals widget:connect_signal("button::press",function(_,__,___,id,mod) local mods_invert = {} for k,v in ipairs(mod) do mods_invert[v] = i end item.state[4] = true data:emit_signal("button::press",item,id,mods_invert) item:emit_signal("button::press",item,id,mods_invert) end) widget:connect_signal("button::release",function(_,__,___,id,mod) local mods_invert = {} for k,v in ipairs(mod) do mods_invert[v] = i end item.state[4] = nil data:emit_signal("button::release",item,id,mods_invert) item:emit_signal("button::release",item,id,mods_invert) end) widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter",function(b,t) data:emit_signal("mouse::enter",item) item:emit_signal("mouse::enter",item) end) widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave",function(b,t) data:emit_signal("mouse::leave",item) item:emit_signal("mouse::leave",item) end) -- Always tracking mouse::move is expensive, only do it when necessary -- local function conn(b,t) -- item:emit_signal("mouse::move",item) -- end -- item:connect_signal("connection",function(_,name,count) -- if name == "mouse::move" then -- widget:connect_signal("mouse::move",conn) -- end -- end) -- item:connect_signal("disconnection",function(_,name,count) -- if count == 0 then -- widget:connect_signal("mouse::move",conn) -- end -- end) end -- Use all the space, let "align_fit" compute the right size local function textbox_fit(box,w,h) return w,h end -- Force the width or compute the minimum space local function align_fit(box,w,h) if box._item.width then return box._item.width - box._data.item_style.margins.LEFT - box._data.item_style.margins.RIGHT,h end return box.first:fit(w,h)+wibox.widget.textbox.fit(box.second,w,h)+box.third:fit(w,h),h end -- Create the actual widget local function create_item(item,data,args) -- Background local bg = wibox.widget.background() -- Margins local m = wibox.layout.margin(la) m:set_margins (0) m:set_left ( (item.item_style or data.item_style).margins.LEFT ) m:set_right ( (item.item_style or data.item_style).margins.RIGHT ) m:set_top ( (item.item_style or data.item_style).margins.TOP ) m:set_bottom( (item.item_style or data.item_style).margins.BOTTOM ) -- Layout (left) local layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal() bg:set_widget(m) -- Layout (right) local right = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal() -- F keys module:setup_fkey(item,data) if data.fkeys_prefix == true then layout:add(fkey(data,item)) end -- Icon local icon = module:setup_icon(item,data) layout:add(icon) -- Prefix if args.prefix_widget then layout:add(args.prefix_widget) end -- Text local tb = wibox.widget.textbox() tb.fit = data._internal.text_fit or textbox_fit tb.draw = function(self,w, cr, width, height) if item.underlay then module.paint_underlay(data,item,cr,width,height) end wibox.widget.textbox.draw(self,w, cr, width, height) end tb:set_text(item.text) item.set_text = function (_,value) if data.disable_markup then tb:set_text(value) else tb:set_markup(value) end item._private_data.text = value end -- Checkbox local ck = module:setup_checked(item,data) if ck then right:add(ck) end -- Hover module:setup_hover(item,data) -- Sub_arrow local ar = module:setup_sub_menu_arrow(item,data) if ar then right:add(ar) end -- Suffix if args.suffix_widget then right:add(args.suffix_widget) end -- Layout (align) local align = wibox.layout.align.horizontal() align:set_middle( tb ) align:set_left ( layout ) align:set_right ( right ) m:set_widget ( align ) align._item = item align._data = data align.fit = data._internal.align_fit or align_fit item._internal.align = align -- Set widget item.widget = bg bg._item = item -- Tooltip item.widget:set_tooltip(item.tooltip) -- Overlay item.set_overlay = function(_,value) item._private_data.overlay = value item.widget:emit_signal("widget::updated") end item._internal.text_w = tb item._internal.icon_w = icon item._internal.margin_w = m -- Draw local item_style = item.style or data.item_style item_style(item,{}) item.widget:set_fg(item._private_data.fg) -- Setup events module.setup_event(data,item) -- Setup dynamic underlay -- Setup dynamic underlay item:connect_signal("underlay::changed",function(_,udl) bg:emit_signal("widget::updated") end) -- if item.buttons then -- bg:buttons(item.buttons) -- end return bg end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return create_item(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;