local setmetatable = setmetatable local color = require( "gears.color" ) local theme = require( "radical.theme" ) local module = { margins = { TOP = 2, BOTTOM = 6, RIGHT = 4, LEFT = 4 } } local default_height = 3 local function widget_draw(self, context, cr, width, height) -- Nothing to do end local function after_draw_children_top(self, context, cr, width, height) cr:save() cr:set_source(color(self.background)) cr:rectangle(0, 0, width, default_height) cr:fill() cr:restore() end local function after_draw_children_bottom(self, context, cr, width, height) cr:save() cr:set_source(color(self.background)) cr:rectangle(0, height -default_height, width, default_height) cr:fill() cr:restore() end local function draw(item,args) local args = args or {} item.widget.draw = widget_draw item.widget.before_draw_children = args.pos == "top" and after_draw_children_top or after_draw_children_bottom theme.update_colors(item) end local function draw_top(item) return draw(item,{pos="top"}) end -- Create an identical module for holo_top module.top = setmetatable({ draw = draw_top, margins = module.margins }, { __call = function(_, ...) return draw_top(...) end } ) return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return draw(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;