local setmetatable = setmetatable local print = print local ipairs = ipairs local math = math local wibox = require( "wibox" ) local module = {} local function left(data) data.next_item.selected = true end local function right(data) data.previous_item.selected = true end local function up(data) local idx,rc,col = data.current_index,data.rowcount,data.column idx = idx-col if idx <= 0 then idx = rc + idx + 1 end data.items[idx][1].selected = true end local function down(data) local idx,rc,col = data.current_index,data.rowcount,data.column idx = idx+col if idx > rc then idx = idx - rc - 1 end data.items[idx][1].selected = true end function module:setup_key_hooks(data) data:add_key_hook({}, "Up" , "press", up ) data:add_key_hook({}, "&" , "press", up ) data:add_key_hook({}, "Down" , "press", down ) data:add_key_hook({}, "KP_Enter", "press", down ) data:add_key_hook({}, "Left" , "press", left ) data:add_key_hook({}, "\"" , "press", left ) data:add_key_hook({}, "Right" , "press", right ) data:add_key_hook({}, "#" , "press", right ) end --Get preferred item geometry local function item_fit(data,item,...) return data.item_height, data.item_height end local function new(data) local counter = 0 local mode = data.column ~= nil local rows = {} local l = wibox.layout.fixed[mode and "horizontal" or "vertical"]() local constraint = mode and data.column or data.row or 2 for i=1,constraint do local l2 = wibox.layout.fixed[mode and "vertical" or "horizontal"]() print("adding",(mode and "vertical" or "horizontal")) l:add(l2) rows[#rows+1] = l2 end l.fit = function(a1,a2,a3) local r1,r2 = data.item_height*math.ceil(data.rowcount/constraint),data.item_height*constraint print("geo",(mode and r2 or r1),(mode and r1 or r2)) return (mode and r2 or r1),(mode and r1 or r2) end l.add = function(l,item) for k,v in ipairs(rows) do v:reset() end local rc = data.rowcount+1 for i=1,rc do -- local r = math.ceil(i/math.ceil(rc/constraint)) -- if r == math.inf or r == 0 then r =1 end rows[((i-1)%constraint)+1]:add((rc == i and item.widget or data.items[i][1].widget)) end return true end --TODO only load the layouts when draw() is called l.item_fit = item_fit return l end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;