local capi = {screen = screen} local wibox = require( "wibox" ) local util = require( "awful.util" ) local timer = require( "gears.timer" ) local placement = require( "radical.placement" ) local module = {} local wibox_to_req = {} local corners_geo = { -- Corners top_left = function(geo, wa) return {width = 1, height = 1} end, top_right = function(geo, wa) return {width = 1, height = 1} end, bottom_left = function(geo, wa) return {width = 1, height = 1} end, bottom_right = function(geo, wa) return {width = 1, height = 1} end, -- Sides left = function(geo, wa) return {width = 1 , height = wa.height } end, right = function(geo, wa) return {width = 1 , height = wa.height } end, top = function(geo, wa) return {width = wa.width, height = 1 } end, bottom = function(geo, wa) return {width = wa.width, height = 1 } end, } local function mouse_enter(w) local req = wibox_to_req[w] if req and req.enter then req:enter() end end local function mouse_leave(w) local req = wibox_to_req[w] if req and req.leave then req:leave() end end local function create_hot_corner(corner, s) local s = s or 1 local s_geo = capi.screen[s].geometry local w_geo = capi.screen[s].workarea local size = corners_geo[corner](s_geo, w_geo) local w = wibox(util.table.crush(size, {ontop=true, opacity = 0, visible=true})) placement.corner(w, corner, s, false, false) local req = {wibox = w, screen = s, corner = corner} w:connect_signal("mouse::enter", mouse_enter) wibox_to_req[w] = req return req end local function create_visible_timer(w, time, req) local t = timer{} t.timeout = time t:connect_signal("timeout", function() w.visible = false req.wibox.visible = true t:stop() end) t:start() end function module.register_function(corner, f, s) if not f then return end local req = create_hot_corner(corner, s) req.enter = f return req end --- Show a wibox when `corner` is hit. -- -- Valid corners are: -- -- * left -- * right -- * top -- * bottom -- * top_left -- * top_right -- * bottom_left -- * bottom_right -- -- @tparam string corner A corner name -- @param w The wibox or a function returning a wibox in case lazy loading is -- desirable -- @tparam[opt=all] number s The screen -- @tparam[opt=0] number timeout The timeout (in seconds) -- @return A request handler function module.register_wibox(corner, w, s, timeout) if not w then return end local req = create_hot_corner(corner, s) local connected = false function req.enter() if type(w) == "function" then w = w(req) end if not connected then w:connect_signal("mouse::leave", mouse_leave) wibox_to_req[w] = req --FIXME leak connected = true end w.visible = true end if not timeout then function req.leave() w.visible = false; req.wibox.visible = true end else function req.leave() create_visible_timer(w, timeout, req) end end return req end --TODO watch for workarea changes return module