local radical = require("radical") local capi = { screen = screen, } local type,math = type,math local awful = require( "awful" ) local cairo = require( "lgi" ).cairo local surface = require("gears.surface") local shape = require("gears.shape") local util = require("awful.util") local module = {} local function createTagList(aScreen) local tagList = radical.context {} for _, v in ipairs(awful.tag.gettags(aScreen)) do tagList:add_item({text = v.name,icon=awful.tag.geticon(v)}) end return tagList end local sigMenu = nil function module.signals() if sigMenu then return sigMenu end sigMenu = radical.context{max_items=10} sigterm = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGTERM" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s TERM "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="15"}}}) sigkill = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGKILL" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s KILL "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="9"}}}) sigint = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGINT" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s INT "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="2"}}}) sigquit = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGQUIT" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s QUIT "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="3"}}}) -- sigMenu:add_widget(radical.widgets.separator()) sig0 = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIG0" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s 0 "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = { }}) sigalrm = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGALRM" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s ALRM "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="14"}}}) sighup = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGHUP" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s HUP "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="1"}},tooltip="sdfsdfsdf"}) sigpipe = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGPIPE" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s PIPE "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="13"}}}) sigpoll = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGPOLL" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s POLL "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {}}) sigprof = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGPROF" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s PROF "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="27"}}}) sigusr1 = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGUSR1" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s USR1 "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="10"}}}) sigusr2 = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGUSR2" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s USR2 "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="12"}}}) sigsigvtalrm = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGVTALRM" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s VTALRM "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {}}) sigstkflt = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGSTKFLT" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s STKFLT "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {}}) sigpwr = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGPWR" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s PWR "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {}}) sigwinch = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGWINCH" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s WINCH "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {}}) sigchld = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGCHLD" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s CHLD "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="17"}}}) sigurg = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGURG" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s URG "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {}}) sigtstp = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGTSTP" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s TSTP "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {}}) sigttin = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGTTIN" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s TTIN "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="21"}}}) sigttou = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGTTOU" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s TTOU "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="22"}}}) sigstop = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGSTOP" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s STOP "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="17"}}}) sigcont = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGCONT" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s CONT "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="18"}}}) sigabrt = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGABRT" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s ABRT "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="6"}}}) sigfpe = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGFPE" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s FPE "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="8"}}}) sigill = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGILL" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s ILL "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="4"}}}) sigsegv = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGSEGV" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s SEGV "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="11"}}}) sigtrap = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGTRAP" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s TRAP "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="5"}}}) sigsys = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGSYS" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s SYS "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="12"}}}) sigemt = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGEMT" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s EMT "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {}}) sigbus = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGBUS" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s BUS "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {{text="7"}}}) sigxcpu = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGXCPU" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s XCPU "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {}}) sigxfsz = sigMenu:add_item({text="SIGXFSZ" , button1 = function() util.spawn("kill -s XFSZ "..module.client.pid);mainMenu.visible = false end,infoshapes = {}}) return sigMenu end function module.screenshot(clients,geo) if not clients then return end local prev_menu= radical.context({layout=radical.layout.horizontal,item_width=140,item_height=140,icon_size=100, arrow_type=radical.base.arrow_type.CENTERED,enable_keyboard=false,item_style=radical.item.style.rounded}) local t = type(clients) if t == "client" then clients = {clients} elseif t == "tag" then clients = clients:clients() end --TODO detect black for k,c in ipairs(clients) do local geom = c:geometry() local ratio,h_or_w = geom.width/geom.height,geom.width>geom.height local w,h,scale = h_or_w and 140 or (140*ratio),h_or_w and (140*ratio) or 140,h_or_w and 140/geom.width or 140/geom.height -- Create a working surface local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, w, h) local cr = cairo.Context(img) -- Create a matrix to scale down the screenshot cr:scale(scale+0.05,scale+0.05) -- Paint the screenshot in the rounded rectangle cr:set_source_surface(surface(c.content)) cr:paint() -- Create the item local prev_item = prev_menu:add_item({text = ""..c.name.."",icon=img}) prev_menu.wibox.opacity=0.8 prev_item.icon = surface.duplicate_surface(img, shape.rounded_rect, 10) prev_item.text = ""..c.name:gsub('&','&').."" end prev_menu.visible = true return prev_menu end return module--setmetatable(module, {}) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;