local setmetatable = setmetatable local print,pairs = print,pairs local unpack=unpack local util = require( "awful.util" ) local button = require( "awful.button" ) local checkbox = require( "radical.widgets.checkbox" ) local wibox = require( "wibox" ) local common = require( "radical.common" ) local item_layout = require("radical.item.layout.icon") local module = {} function module:setup_item(data,item,args) local text_w = item._internal.text_w -- Setup text item.set_text = function (_,value) if data.disable_markup then text_w:set_text(value) else text_w:set_markup(value) end if data.auto_resize then local fit_w,fit_h = text_w:get_preferred_size() local is_largest = item == data._internal.largest_item_h --TODO find new largest is item is smaller if not data._internal.largest_item_h_v or data._internal.largest_item_h_v < fit_h then data._internal.largest_item_h =item data._internal.largest_item_h_v = fit_h end end end item:set_text(item._private_data.text) end --Get preferred item geometry local function item_fit(data,item,self, content, width, height) if not data.visible then return 1,1 end local w, h = item._private_data._fit(self,content,width,height) --TODO port to new context API return data.item_width or 70, item._private_data.height or h --TODO broken end local function new(data) -- Define the item layout local real_l = wibox.widget.base.make_widget_declarative { spacing = data.spacing , item_fit = item_fit , setup_key_hooks = common.setup_key_hooks , setup_item = module.setup_item , layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, } -- Hack fit local new_fit new_fit = function(self,context,w,h,force_values) --TODO use the context instead of extra argument -- Get the original fit, the function need to be replaced to avoir a stack overflow real_l.fit = real_l._fit local result,r2 = self:get_preferred_size(context, force_values and w, force_values and h) real_l.fit = new_fit local w,h if data.auto_resize and data._internal.largest_item_h then w,h = data.rowcount*(data.item_width or data.default_width),data._internal.largest_item_h_v > data.item_height and data._internal.largest_item_h_v or data.item_height else w,h = data.rowcount*(data.item_width or data.default_width),data.item_height end data:emit_signal("layout_size",w,h) return w,h end real_l._fit = real_l.fit real_l.fit = new_fit return real_l end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on;