found_widget_geometry = nil local awful = require("awful") local gears = require("gears") local b = require("beautiful") local s function hide_systray_hints() if systray_hints_widget then systray_hints_widget.visible = false end end function sys_hints_hide_systray() local s awful.screen.connect_for_each_screen(function(screen) if screen.systray then s = screen end end) s.systray.visible = false end function systray_show_hints(x, y, w, count) local sys_hints_geo_x = x or 1390 local sys_hints_geo_y = y or 0 local sys_hints_icon_width = w or 28 local sys_hints_icon_count = count or 8 local systray_hints_font = b.systray_hints_font or b.font local systray_hints_bg = b.systray_hints_bg or "#ff00ff" local systray_hints_fg = b.systray_hints_fg or "#000000" sys_hints_icon_width = sys_hints_icon_width - 2 --Subtract 2px from icon width for left/right margins if sys_hints_geo_y >= 100 then sys_hints_geo_y = sys_hints_geo_y - sys_hints_icon_width else sys_hints_geo_y = sys_hints_geo_y + sys_hints_icon_width --Decide if hints should display above or below systray icons. end awful.screen.connect_for_each_screen(function(screen) if screen.systray.visible == true then s = screen end end) if s == nil then return nil end hide_systray_hints() --hide if already displayed local num_rows = sys_hints_icon_count local sys_hints_list = {} local systray_widget_list = {} local widget_shape = function(cr, width, height) gears.shape.rounded_rect(cr, width, height, 5) end local var = {} for i = 1, num_rows do table.insert(sys_hints_list, tostring(i)) end for k, v in pairs(sys_hints_list) do var["text_" .. v] = wibox.widget.textbox(tostring(v)) local text_alias = var["text_" .. v] text_alias.font = systray_hints_font -- "Sans 14" text_alias.markup = '' .. v .. '' local item_container_place = {} table.insert(item_container_place, text_alias) item_container_place.widget = local item_container_background = {} table.insert(item_container_background, item_container_place) item_container_background.widget = wibox.container.background = systray_hints_bg -- "#ff00ff" item_container_background.forced_width = sys_hints_icon_width item_container_background.shape = widget_shape item_container_background.shape_border_width = 2 item_container_background.shape_border_color = systray_hints_fg .. 33 = "systray_hint_background_item_" .. tostring(v) local item_container_margin = {} table.insert(item_container_margin, item_container_background) item_container_margin.widget = wibox.container.margin item_container_margin.right = 1 item_container_margin.left = 1 local complete_widget = item_container_margin table.insert(systray_widget_list, complete_widget) end systray_widget_list.layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal systray_hints_widget = awful.popup { widget = { screen = s, systray_widget_list, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, x = sys_hints_geo_x, y = sys_hints_geo_y, visible = true, ontop = true, bg = "#00000000", --hide_on_right_click = true } end local function find_widget_in_wibox(wb, wdg) local function get_geometry(hi) local g = gears.matrix.transform_rectangle local x, y, w, h = g(hi:get_matrix_to_device(), 0, 0, hi:get_size()) local x = math.floor(x) ; local y = math.floor(y) local w = math.floor(w) ; local h = math.floor(h) found_widget_geometry = x .. "," .. y .. "," .. w .. "," .. h end local function traverse(hi) if hi:get_widget() == wdg then get_geometry(hi) return end for _, child in ipairs(hi:get_children()) do -- return traverse(child) traverse(child) -- Others have the above line instead, but for us it returned -- only container widgets. Removing "return" allows for an -- additional round of recursion. end end return traverse(wb._drawable._widget_hierarchy) end awful.screen.connect_for_each_screen(function(screen) if screen.systray.visible == true then s = screen end end) if s == nil then return nil end find_widget_in_wibox(s.mywibox, s.systray) return found_widget_geometry