Fix issues with fallback tags

This commit is contained in:
Emmanuel Lepage Vallee 2014-04-15 20:46:27 -04:00
parent e6b6004cce
commit 8e1144f138
1 changed files with 4 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ local signals,module,class_client,tags_hash,settings,sn_callback,fallbacks = {
"exclusive" , "init" , "volatile" , "focus_new" , "instances" ,
"match" , "class" , "spawn" , "position" , "force_screen" ,
"max_clients" , "exec_once" , "clone_on" , "clone_of" , "no_focus_stealing",
"shape_bounding", "no_focus_stealing_out","no_focus_stealing_in"
"fallback" , "no_focus_stealing_out","no_focus_stealing_in"
for _,sig in ipairs(signals) do
@ -167,7 +167,9 @@ local function match_client(c, startup)
if #c:tags((function(arr) for k,v in ipairs(fallbacks) do
arr[#arr+1]=awful.tag.getscreen(v) == c.screen and v or nil
end; return arr
end)({})) > 0 then return end
end)({})) > 0 then -- Select the first fallback tag if the current tag isn't a fallback
return (not awful.util.table.hasitem(c:tags(), awful.tag.selected(c.screen or 1))) and awful.tag.viewonly(c:tags()[1])
--Last resort, create a new tag
class_client[low] = class_client[low] or {tags={},properties={}}
local tmp,tag = class_client[low],awful.tag.add(c.class or "N/A",{name=c.class or "N/A",volatile=true,exclusive=true,screen=(c.screen <= capi.screen.count())