Add `tag` client property and avoid keeping volatile tags in memory

This commit is contained in:
Emmanuel Lepage Vallee 2014-09-28 23:26:34 -04:00
parent 27d30c3ea3
commit ab51c72484
3 changed files with 24 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ Then edit this section to fit your needs.
| **fallback** | Use this tag for unmatched clients | boolean |
| **locked** | Do not add any more clients to this tag | boolean |
| **max_clients** | Maximum number of clients before creating a new tag | number or func |
| **onetimer** | Once deleted, this tag cannot be created again | boolean |
★Takes precedence over class
@ -273,6 +274,8 @@ Then edit this section to fit your needs.
| **master** | Open a client as master (bigger) | boolean |
| **slave** | Open a client as slave (smaller) | boolean |
| **no_autofocus** | Do not focus a new instance | boolean |
| **tag** | Asign to a pre-existing tag object | tag/func/array |
| **new_tag** | Do not focus a new instance | boolean or array |
*Need default rc.lua modifications in the "client.connect_signal('focus')" section
@ -333,7 +336,7 @@ will allow the client into that tag. This function switch between `tile` and
local function five_layout(c,tag)
local function aero_or_magnifier(c,tag)
local count = #match:clients() + 1 --The client is not there yet
if count == 2 then
@ -366,6 +369,11 @@ Here are some example:
-- Spawn in the current tag, floating and on top
awful.util.spawn(terminal,{intrusive=true, floating=true, ontop=true})
-- Spawn in an existing tag (assume `my_tag` exist)
-- Note that `tag` can also be an array of tags or a function returning
-- an array of tags
For Awesome 3.5.6+, it is possible to replace the default mod4+r keybinding with

View File

@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ end)
capi.client.disconnect_signal("request::tag", ewmh.tag)
capi.client.connect_signal("request::tag", function(c)
if capi.awesome.startup then
--TODO create a tag on that screen
--TODO block invalid requests, let Tyrannical do its job
local tags = c:tags()
if #tags == 0 then
--TODO cannot happen
-- if capi.awesome.startup then
-- --TODO create a tag on that screen
-- else
-- --TODO block invalid requests, let Tyrannical do its job
-- local tags = c:tags()
-- if #tags == 0 then
-- --TODO cannot happen
-- end
-- end

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ local signals,module,c_rules,tags_hash,settings,sn_callback,fallbacks,prop = {
"exclusive" , "init" , "volatile" , "focus_new" , "instances" ,
"locked" , "class" , "instance" , "spawn" , "position" , "force_screen" ,
"max_clients" , "exec_once" , "clone_on" , "clone_of" , "no_focus_stealing",
"fallback" , "no_focus_stealing_out","no_focus_stealing_in"
"fallback" , "no_focus_stealing_out" ,"no_focus_stealing_in"
},{},{class={},instance={}},{},{},awful.spawn and awful.spawn.snid_buffer or {},{},awful.tag.getproperty
for _,sig in ipairs(signals) do
@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ local function apply_properties(c,override,normal)
if props.new_tag then
ret = c:tags({awful.tag.add(type(props.new_tag)=="table" and or c.class,type(props.new_tag)=="table" and props.new_tag or {})})
elseif props.tag then
ret = c:tags(type(props.tag) == "function" and props.tag(c) or (type(props.tag) == "table" and props.tag or { props.tag }))
--Add to the current tag if the client is intrusive, ignore exclusive
elseif props.intrusive == true or (settings.force_odd_as_intrusive and c.type ~= "normal") then
local tag = awful.tag.selected(c.screen) or awful.tag.viewonly(awful.tag.gettags(c.screen)[1]) or awful.tag.selected(c.screen)
@ -128,7 +130,6 @@ end
--Match client
local function match_client(c, startup)
if not c then return end
local startup = startup == nil and capi.awesome.startup or startup
local props = c.startup_id and sn_callback[tostring(c.startup_id)] or {}
@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ local function match_client(c, startup)
--Last resort, create a new tag
c_rules.class[low_c] = c_rules.class[low_c] or {tags={},properties={}}
local tmp,tag = c_rules.class[low_c],awful.tag.add(get_class(c),{name=get_class(c),volatile=true,exclusive=true,screen=(c.screen <= capi.screen.count())
local tmp,tag = c_rules.class[low_c],awful.tag.add(get_class(c),{name=get_class(c),onetimer=true,volatile=true,exclusive=true,screen=(c.screen <= capi.screen.count())
and c.screen or 1,layout=settings.default_layout or awful.layout.suit.max})
tmp.tags[#tmp.tags+1] = {name=get_class(c),instances = setmetatable({[c.screen]=tag}, { __mode = 'v' }),volatile=true,screen=c.screen,exclusive=true}
@ -197,9 +198,11 @@ capi.client.connect_signal("manage", match_client)
capi.client.connect_signal("untagged", function (c, t)
if prop(t,"volatile") == true and #t:clients() == 0 then
local rules = c_rules.class[string.lower(get_class(c))]
c_rules.class[string.lower(get_class(c))] = (prop(t,"onetimer") ~= true or c.class == nil) and rules or nil --Prevent "last resort tags" from persisting
for j=1,#(rules and rules.tags or {}) do
rules.tags[j].instances[c.screen] = rules.tags[j].instances[c.screen] ~= t and rules.tags[j].instances[c.screen] or nil
awful.tag.history.restore(awful.tag.getscreen(t) or 1) --Explicitly return to the last tag