local setmetatable = setmetatable local print , pairs = print , pairs local ipairs , type = ipairs , type local string , unpack= string , unpack local awful = require("awful") local capi = {client = client , tag = tag , awesome = awesome, screen = screen , mouse = mouse } -- Patch Awesome < 3.5.3 require("tyrannical.extra.legacy") -------------------------------INIT------------------------------ local signals,module,class_client,instance_client,tags_hash,settings,sn_callback,fallbacks,prop = { "exclusive" , "init" , "volatile" , "focus_new" , "instances" , "locked" , "class" , "instance" , "spawn" , "position" , "force_screen" , "max_clients" , "exec_once" , "clone_on" , "clone_of" , "no_focus_stealing", "fallback" , "no_focus_stealing_out","no_focus_stealing_in" },{},{},{},{},{},awful.spawn and awful.spawn.snid_buffer or {},{},awful.tag.getproperty for _,sig in ipairs(signals) do capi.tag.add_signal("property::"..sig) end ----------------------TYRANNICAL LOGIC-------------------------- --Called when a tag is selected/unselected local function on_selected_change(tag,data) if data and data.exec_once and tag.selected then for _,v in ipairs(type(data.exec_once) == "string" and {data.exec_once} or data.exec_once) do awful.util.spawn_with_shell("ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep '" .. v .. "' > /dev/null || (" .. v .. ")") end end end --Load tags, this cannot be undone local function load_tags(tyrannical_tags) for k,v in ipairs(tyrannical_tags) do if v.init ~= false then local stype = type(v.screen) if stype == "table" then local screens = v.screen for k2,v2 in pairs(screens) do if v2 <= capi.screen.count() then v.screen = v2 awful.tag.add(v.name,v) end end v.screen = screens elseif (v.screen or 1) <= capi.screen.count() then awful.tag.add(v.name,v) end elseif v.volatile == nil then v.volatile = true end if v.class and class_client then for i=1,#v.class do local low = string.lower(v.class[i]) local tmp = class_client[low] or {tags={},properties={}} tmp.tags[#tmp.tags+1] = v class_client[low] = tmp end end if v.instance and instance_client then for i=1,#v.instance do local low = string.lower(v.instance[i]) local tmp = instance_client[low] or {tags={},properties={}} tmp.tags[#tmp.tags+1] = v instance_client[low] = tmp end end tags_hash[v.name or "N/A"] = v end end --Load property local function load_property(name,property) for k2,v2 in pairs(property) do local key_type = type(k2) local low = string.lower(key_type == "number" and v2 or k2) class_client[low] = class_client[low] or {name=low,tags={},properties={}} class_client[low].properties[name] = key_type == "number" and true or v2 end end --Check all focus policies then change focus (Awesome 3.5.3+) function module.focus_client(c,properties) local properties = properties or (instance_client[string.lower(c.instance or "N/A")] or {}).properties or (class_client[string.lower(c.class or "N/A")] or {}).properties or {} if (((not c.transient_for) or (c.transient_for==capi.client.focus) or (not settings.block_children_focus_stealing)) and (not properties.no_autofocus)) then if not awful.util.table.hasitem(c:tags(), awful.tag.selected(c.screen or 1)) and (not prop(c:tags()[1],"no_focus_stealing_in")) then awful.tag.viewonly(c:tags()[1]) end capi.client.focus = c c:raise() end end --Apply all properties local function apply_properties(c,override,normal) local props,ret = awful.util.table.join(normal,override),nil --Set all 'c.something' properties, --TODO maybe eventually move to awful.rules.execute for k,_ in pairs(props) do if override[k] ~= nil then props[k] = override[k] else props[k] = normal[k] end c[k] = props[k] end --Force floating state, if necessary if props.floating ~= nil then awful.client.floating.set(c, props.floating) end --Center client if props.centered == true then awful.placement.centered(c, nil) end --Set slave or master if props.slave == true or props.master == true then awful.client["set"..(props.slave and "slave" or "master")](c, true) end if props.new_tag then ret = c:tags({awful.tag.add(type(props.new_tag)=="table" and props.new_tag.name or c.class,type(props.new_tag)=="table" and props.new_tag or {})}) --Add to the current tag if the client is intrusive, ignore exclusive elseif props.intrusive == true or (settings.force_odd_as_intrusive and c.type ~= "normal") then local tag = awful.tag.selected(c.screen) or awful.tag.viewonly(awful.tag.gettags(c.screen)[1]) or awful.tag.selected(c.screen) if tag then --Can be false if there is no tags ret = c:tags({tag}) end end return ret,props end --Match client local function match_client(c, startup) if not c then return end local startup = startup == nil and capi.awesome.startup or startup local props = c.startup_id and sn_callback[tostring(c.startup_id)] or {} local low_i,low_c,tags = string.lower(c.instance or "N/A"),string.lower(c.class or "N/A"),props.tags or {props.tag} local rules_i,rules_c = instance_client[low_i],class_client[low_c] local low,rules = low_i,rules_i if rules_i == nil then low,rules = low_c,rules_c end if #tags == 0 and c.transient_for and settings.group_children == true then c.sticky = c.transient_for.sticky or false c:tags(c.transient_for:tags()) return module.focus_client(c,props) elseif rules then local ret,props = apply_properties(c,props,rules.properties) if ret then return module.focus_client(c,props) end --Add to matches local tags_src,fav_scr,c_src,mouse_s = {},false,c.screen,capi.mouse.screen for j=1,#(#tags == 0 and rules.tags or {}) do local tag,cache = rules.tags[j],rules.tags[j].screen tag.instances,has_screen = tag.instances or setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'v' }),(type(tag.screen)=="table" and awful.util.table.hasitem(tag.screen,c_src)~=nil) tag.screen = (tag.force_screen ~= true and c_src) or (has_screen and c_src or type(tag.screen)=="table" and tag.screen[1] or tag.screen) tag.screen,match = (tag.screen <= capi.screen.count()) and tag.screen or mouse_s,tag.instances[tag.screen] if (not match and not (fav_scr == true and mouse_s ~= tag.screen)) or (match and (prop(match,"max_clients") or 999) <= #match:clients()) then awful.tag.setproperty(awful.tag.add(tag.name,tag),"volatile",match and (prop(match,"max_clients") ~= nil) or tag.volatile) end tags_src[tag.screen],fav_scr = tags_src[tag.screen] or {},fav_scr or (tag.screen == mouse_s) --Reset if a better screen is found tags_src[tag.screen][#tags_src[tag.screen]+1] = tag.instances[tag.screen] tag.screen = cache end for k,t in ipairs(tags_src[mouse_s] or tags_src[c_src] or select(2,next(tags_src)) or awful.util.table.join(unpack(tags_src))) do tags[#tags+1] = prop(t,"locked") ~= true and t.activated and t or nil --Do not add to locked tags end c.screen = tags[1] and awful.tag.getscreen(tags[1]) or c_src if #tags > 0 then c:tags(tags) return module.focus_client(c,props) end end --Add to the current tag if not exclusive local cur_tag = awful.tag.selected(c.screen) if cur_tag and prop(cur_tag,"exclusive") ~= true and prop(cur_tag,"locked") ~= true then c:tags({cur_tag}) return module.focus_client(c,props) end --Add to the fallback tags if #c:tags((function(arr) for k,v in ipairs(fallbacks) do arr[#arr+1]=awful.tag.getscreen(v) == c.screen and v or nil end; return arr end)({})) > 0 then -- Select the first fallback tag if the current tag isn't a fallback return module.focus_client(c,props) end --Last resort, create a new tag class_client[low_c] = class_client[low_c] or {tags={},properties={}} local tmp,tag = class_client[low_c],awful.tag.add(c.class or "N/A",{name=c.class or "N/A",volatile=true,exclusive=true,screen=(c.screen <= capi.screen.count()) and c.screen or 1,layout=settings.default_layout or awful.layout.suit.max}) tmp.tags[#tmp.tags+1] = {name=c.class or "N/A",instances = setmetatable({[c.screen]=tag}, { __mode = 'v' }),volatile=true,screen=c.screen,exclusive=true} c:tags({tag}) return module.focus_client(c,props) end capi.client.connect_signal("manage", match_client) capi.client.connect_signal("untagged", function (c, t) if prop(t,"volatile") == true and #t:clients() == 0 then local rules = class_client[string.lower(c.class or "N/A")] for j=1,#(rules and rules.tags or {}) do rules.tags[j].instances[c.screen] = rules.tags[j].instances[c.screen] ~= t and rules.tags[j].instances[c.screen] or nil end awful.tag.delete(t) end end) awful.tag.withcurrent,awful.tag._add = function(c, startup) local tags,old_tags = {},c:tags() --Safety to prevent for k, t in ipairs(old_tags) do tags[#tags+1] = (awful.tag.getscreen(t) == c.screen) and t or nil end --Necessary when dragging clients if startup == nil and old_tags[1] and old_tags[1].screen ~= c.screen then --nil != false local sellist = awful.tag.selectedlist(c.screen) if #sellist > 0 then --Use already selected tag tags = sellist else --Select a tag match_client(c, startup) end end c:tags(tags) end,awful.tag.add awful.tag.add,awful.tag._setscreen,awful.tag._viewonly = function(tag,props) props.screen,props.instances = props.screen or capi.mouse.screen,props.instances or setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'v' }) props.mwfact,props.layout = props.mwfact or settings.mwfact,props.layout or settings.default_layout or awful.layout.max local t = awful.tag._add(tag,props) if prop(t,"clone_on") and prop(t,"clone_on") ~= t.screen then local t3 = awful.tag._add(tag,{screen = prop(t,"clone_on"), clone_of = t,icon=awful.tag.geticon(t)}) --TODO prevent clients from being added to the clone end fallbacks[#fallbacks+1] = props.fallback and t or nil t:connect_signal("property::selected", function(t) on_selected_change(t,props or {}) end) t.selected = props.selected or false props.instances[props.screen] = t return t end,awful.tag.setscreen,awful.tag.viewonly awful.tag.viewonly = function(t) if not t then return end if not awful.tag.getscreen(t) then awful.tag.setscreen(capi.mouse.screen) end awful.tag._viewonly(t) if prop(t,"clone_of") then awful.tag.swap(t,prop(t,"clone_of")) awful.tag.viewonly(prop(t,"clone_of")) end end capi.tag.connect_signal("property::fallback",function(t) fallbacks[awful.util.table.hasitem(fallbacks, t) or (#fallbacks+1)] = prop(t,"fallback") and t or nil end) --------------------------OBJECT GEARS--------------------------- local getter = {properties = setmetatable({}, {__newindex = function(table,k,v) load_property(k,v) end}), settings = settings, tags_by_name = tags_hash, sn_callback = sn_callback} local setter = {tags = load_tags} return setmetatable(module,{__index=function(t,k) return getter[k] end,__newindex=function(t,k,v) if setter[k] then return setter[k](v) end end})