
96 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2009-09-29 22:33:19 +02:00
-- Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2
2010-01-02 21:21:54 +01:00
-- * (c) 2010, Adrian C. <>
2009-09-29 22:33:19 +02:00
-- {{{ Grab environment
local tonumber = tonumber
local math = { ceil = math.ceil }
local string = { match = string.match }
local spawn = require"vicious.spawn"
local helpers = require"vicious.helpers"
-- }}}
-- Weather: provides weather information for a requested station
local weather_all = {}
-- {{{ Weather widget type
local function parse(stdout, stderr, exitreason, exitcode)
-- Initialize function tables
local _weather = {
["{city}"] = "N/A",
["{wind}"] = "N/A",
["{windmph}"] = "N/A",
["{windkmh}"] = "N/A",
["{sky}"] = "N/A",
["{weather}"] = "N/A",
["{tempf}"] = "N/A",
["{tempc}"] = "N/A",
["{dewf}"] = "N/A",
["{dewc}"] = "N/A",
["{humid}"] = "N/A",
["{press}"] = "N/A"
-- Check if there was a timeout or a problem with the station
if stdout == '' then return _weather end
_weather["{city}"] = -- City and/or area
string.match(stdout, "^(.+)%,.*%([%u]+%)") or _weather["{city}"]
_weather["{wind}"] = -- Wind direction and degrees if available
string.match(stdout, "Wind:[%s][%a]+[%s][%a]+[%s](.+)[%s]at.+$") or _weather["{wind}"]
_weather["{windmph}"] = -- Wind speed in MPH if available
string.match(stdout, "Wind:[%s].+[%s]at[%s]([%d]+)[%s]MPH") or _weather["{windmph}"]
_weather["{sky}"] = -- Sky conditions if available
string.match(stdout, "Sky[%s]conditions:[%s](.-)[%c]") or _weather["{sky}"]
_weather["{weather}"] = -- Weather conditions if available
string.match(stdout, "Weather:[%s](.-)[%c]") or _weather["{weather}"]
_weather["{tempf}"] = -- Temperature in fahrenheit
string.match(stdout, "Temperature:[%s]([%-]?[%d%.]+).*[%c]") or _weather["{tempf}"]
_weather["{dewf}"] = -- Dew Point in fahrenheit
string.match(stdout, "Dew[%s]Point:[%s]([%-]?[%d%.]+).*[%c]") or _weather["{dewf}"]
_weather["{humid}"] = -- Relative humidity in percent
string.match(stdout, "Relative[%s]Humidity:[%s]([%d]+)%%") or _weather["{humid}"]
_weather["{press}"] = -- Pressure in hPa
string.match(stdout, "Pressure[%s].+%((.+)[%s]hPa%)") or _weather["{press}"]
2009-10-04 00:54:27 +02:00
-- Wind speed in km/h if MPH was available
if _weather["{windmph}"] ~= "N/A" then
_weather["{windmph}"] = tonumber(_weather["{windmph}"])
_weather["{windkmh}"] = math.ceil(_weather["{windmph}"] * 1.6)
end -- Temperature in °C if °F was available
if _weather["{tempf}"] ~= "N/A" then
_weather["{tempf}"] = tonumber(_weather["{tempf}"])
_weather["{tempc}"] = math.ceil((_weather["{tempf}"] - 32) * 5/9)
end -- Dew Point in °C if °F was available
if _weather["{dewf}"] ~= "N/A" then
_weather["{dewf}"] = tonumber(_weather["{dewf}"])
_weather["{dewc}"] = math.ceil((_weather["{dewf}"] - 32) * 5/9)
end -- Capitalize some stats so they don't look so out of place
if _weather["{sky}"] ~= "N/A" then
_weather["{sky}"] = helpers.capitalize(_weather["{sky}"])
if _weather["{weather}"] ~= "N/A" then
_weather["{weather}"] = helpers.capitalize(_weather["{weather}"])
return _weather
function weather_all.async(format, warg, callback)
if not warg then return callback{} end
-- Get weather forceast by the station ICAO code, from:
-- * US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
local url = (""):format(warg)
spawn.easy_async("curl -fs " .. url,
function (...) callback(parse(...)) end)
-- }}}
return helpers.setasyncall(weather_all)