contrib: add Open Weather and ATi graphics widget types
These were contributed by one of the users, and remain untested by me. Signed-off-by: Adrian C. (anrxc) <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,6 +28,14 @@ could also depend on Lua libraries that are not distributed with the
core Lua distribution. Ease of installation and use does not
necessarily have to apply to contributed widgets.
- provides various info about ATI GPU status
- takes card ID as an argument, i.e. "card0" (and where possible,
uses debugfs to gather data on radeon power management)
- returns a table with string keys: {method}, {dpm_state},
{dpm_perf_level}, {profile}, {engine_clock mhz}, {engine_clock khz},
{memory_clock mhz}, {memory_clock khz}, {voltage v}, {voltage mv}
@ -54,6 +62,12 @@ vicious.contrib.netcfg
- provides weather information for a requested city
- takes OpenWeatherMap city ID as an argument, i.e. "1275339"
- returns a table with string keys: {city}, {wind deg}, {wind aim},
{wind kmh}, {wind mps}, {sky}, {weather}, {temp c}, {humid}, {press}
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
-- Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2
-- * (c) 2013, NormalRa <normalrawr gmail com>
-- {{{ Grab environment
local tonumber = tonumber
local io = { open = }
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local helpers = require("vicious.helpers")
local string = {
sub = string.sub,
match = string.match,
gmatch = string.gmatch
-- }}}
-- ATI: provides various info about ATI GPU status
-- vicious.widgets.ati
local ati = {}
-- {{{ Define variables
local _units = { clock = { ["khz"] = 1, ["mhz"] = 1000 },
voltage = { ["v"] = 1, ["mv"] = 1000 } }
local _reps = {
["sclk"] = { name = "engine_clock", units = _units.clock, mul = 10 },
["mclk"] = { name = "memory_clock", units = _units.clock, mul = 10 },
["vddc"] = { name = "voltage", units = _units.voltage },
["voltage"] = { name = "voltage", units = _units.voltage },
["current engine clock"] = { name = "engine_clock", units = _units.clock },
["current memory clock"] = { name = "memory_clock", units = _units.clock }
-- }}}
-- {{{ ATI widget type
local function worker(format, warg)
if not warg then return end
local pm = helpers.pathtotable("/sys/class/drm/"..warg.."/device")
local _data = {}
-- Get power info
_data["{method}"] =
pm.power_method and string.sub(pm.power_method, 1, -2) or "N/A"
_data["{dpm_state}"] =
pm.power_dpm_state and string.sub(pm.power_dpm_state, 1, -2) or "N/A"
_data["{dpm_perf_level}"] =
pm.power_dpm_force_performance_level and
string.sub(pm.power_dpm_force_performance_level, 1, -2) or "N/A"
_data["{profile}"] =
pm.power_profile and string.sub(pm.power_profile, 1, -2) or "N/A"
local f ="/sys/kernel/debug/dri/64/radeon_pm_info", "r")
if f then -- Get ATI info from the debug filesystem
for line in f:lines() do
for k, unit in string.gmatch(line, "(%a+[%a%s]*):[%s]+([%d]+)") do
unit = tonumber(unit)
_data["{dpm_power_level}"] = -- DPM active?
tonumber(string.match(line, "power level ([%d])")) or "N/A"
if _reps[k] then
for u, v in pairs(_reps[k].units) do
_data["{".._reps[k].name.." "..u.."}"] =
(unit * (_reps[k].mul or 1)) / v
return _data
-- }}}
return setmetatable(ati, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
-- Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2
-- * (c) 2013, NormalRa <normalrawr gmail com>
-- {{{ Grab environment
local tonumber = tonumber
local io = { popen = io.popen }
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local string = { match = string.match }
local math = {
ceil = math.ceil,
floor = math.floor
-- }}}
-- Openweather: provides weather information for a requested station
-- vicious.widgets.openweather
local openweather = {}
-- Initialize function tables
local _wdirs = { "N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW", "N" }
local _wdata = {
["{city}"] = "N/A",
["{wind deg}"] = "N/A",
["{wind aim}"] = "N/A",
["{wind mps}"] = "N/A",
["{wind kmh}"] = "N/A",
["{sky}"] = "N/A",
["{weather}"] = "N/A",
["{temp c}"] = "N/A",
["{humid}"] = "N/A",
["{press}"] = "N/A"
-- {{{ Openweather widget type
local function worker(format, warg)
if not warg then return end
-- Get weather forceast using the city ID code, from:
-- *
local openweather = ""..warg.."&mode=json&units=metric"
local f = io.popen("curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 3 '"..openweather.."'")
local ws = f:read("*all")
-- Check if there was a timeout or a problem with the station
if ws == nil then return _wdata end
_wdata["{city}"] = -- City name
string.match(ws, '"name":"([%a%s%-]+)"') or _wdata["{city}"]
_wdata["{wind deg}"] = -- Wind degrees
string.match(ws, '"deg":([%d]+)') or _wdata["{wind deg}"]
_wdata["{wind mps}"] = -- Wind speed in meters per second
string.match(ws, '"speed":([%d%.]+)') or _wdata["{wind mps}"]
_wdata["{sky}"] = -- Sky conditions
string.match(ws, '"main":"([%a]+)"') or _wdata["{sky}"]
_wdata["{weather}"] = -- Weather description
string.match(ws, '"description":"([%a%s]+)"') or _wdata["{weather}"]
_wdata["{temp c}"] = -- Temperature in celsius
string.match(ws, '"temp":([%-]?[%d%.]+)') or _wdata["{temp c}"]
_wdata["{humid}"] = -- Relative humidity in percent
string.match(ws, '"humidity":([%d]+)') or _wdata["{humid}"]
_wdata["{press}"] = -- Pressure in hPa
string.match(ws, '"pressure":([%d%.]+)') or _wdata["{press}"]
-- Wind speed in km/h
if _wdata["{wind mps}"] ~= "N/A" then
_wdata["{wind mps}"] = math.floor(tonumber(_wdata["{wind mps}"]) + .5)
_wdata["{wind kmh}"] = math.ceil(_wdata["{wind mps}"] * 3.6)
end -- Temperature in °C
if _wdata["{temp c}"] ~= "N/A" then
_wdata["{temp c}"] = math.floor(tonumber(_wdata["{temp c}"]) + .5)
end -- Calculate wind direction
if _wdata["{wind deg}"] ~= "N/A" then
_wdata["{wind deg}"] = tonumber(_wdata["{wind deg}"])
-- Lua tables start at [1]
if (_wdata["{wind deg}"] / 45)%1 == 0 then
_wdata["{wind aim}"] = _wdirs[_wdata["{wind deg}"] / 45 + 1]
_wdata["{wind aim}"] =
_wdirs[math.ceil(_wdata["{wind deg}"] / 45) + 1]..
_wdirs[math.floor(_wdata["{wind deg}"] / 45) + 1]
return _wdata
-- }}}
return setmetatable(openweather, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })
Reference in New Issue