batsys: remove LuaFileSystem dependancy

This module will most likely be moved to master in the future. While
batat will be retired, and moved to contrib.
This commit is contained in:
Adrian C. (anrxc) 2009-11-09 17:35:45 +01:00
parent d92161bd00
commit 480aea8b37
1 changed files with 17 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -5,15 +5,13 @@
-- {{{ Grab environment
local lfs_available, lfs = pcall(require, "lfs")
local unpack = unpack
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local getmetatable = getmetatable
local io = { open = }
local string = { format = string.format }
local math = {
min = math.min,
ceil = math.ceil,
floor = math.floor
local os = {
@ -22,29 +20,6 @@ local os = {
-- }}}
-- {{{ Sysfs helper
local sys_metatable = {
__index = -- sysfs items available as lua tables
function (table, index)
path = table._path .. '/' .. index
attr = lfs.attributes(path)
if attr then
if attr.mode == "file" then
elseif attr.mode == "directory" then
local obj = { _path = path }
setmetatable(obj, getmetatable(table))
return obj
return nil
local sys = { _path = "/sys" }
setmetatable(sys, sys_metatable)
-- }}}
-- Batsys: provides state, charge, and remaining time for a requested battery using sysfs
@ -55,7 +30,15 @@ local time_energy = {}
-- {{{ Battery widget type
local function worker(format, batid)
local battery = sys.class.power_supply[batid]
local battery = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(table, name)
local file ="/sys/class/power_supply/"..batid.."/"
if file then
local f = file:read("*all")
return f
local battery_state = {
["Full\n"] = "",
["Unknown\n"] = "",
@ -65,7 +48,7 @@ local function worker(format, batid)
-- Check if the battery is present
if not battery or battery.present == "0\n" then
if not battery.present == "1\n" then
return {battery_state["Unknown\n"], 0, "N/A"}
@ -82,23 +65,23 @@ local function worker(format, batid)
return {battery_state["Unknown\n"], 0, "N/A"}
-- Calculate percentage (but work around broken BAT/ACPI implementations)
local charge = energy_now / energy_full
local percent = math.min(math.floor(charge * 100), 100)
local percent = math.min(math.ceil(charge * 100), 100)
-- Calculate remaining (charging or discharging) time
-- Default values on our first run
if not time_energy[batid] then
-- Default values on our first run
time_energy[batid] = { os.time(), energy_now }
return {state, percent, "N/A"}
local time, energy = unpack(time_energy[batid])
local difft = os.difftime(os.time(), time)
local diffe = energy_now - energy
local rate = diffe / difft
local timediff = os.difftime(os.time(), time)
local enerdiff = energy_now - energy
local rate = enerdiff / timediff
if rate > 0 then
timeleft = (energy_full - energy_now) / rate