--------------------------------------------------- -- Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2 -- * (c) 2009, Adrian C. <anrxc.sysphere.org> -- * (c) Wicked, Lucas de Vries --------------------------------------------------- -- {{{ Grab environment local tonumber = tonumber local os = { time = os.time } local io = { open = io.open } local setmetatable = setmetatable local math = { floor = math.floor } -- }}} -- Net: provides usage statistics for all network interfaces module("vicious.net") -- Initialise function tables local nets = {} -- {{{ Net widget type local function worker(format) -- Get /proc/net/dev local f = io.open("/proc/net/dev") local args = {} for line in f:lines() do -- Match wmaster0 as well as rt0 (multiple leading spaces) if line:match("^[%s]?[%s]?[%s]?[%s]?[%w]+:") then name = line:match("^[%s]?[%s]?[%s]?[%s]?([%w]+):") -- Received bytes, first value after the name recv = tonumber(line:match(":[%s]*([%d]+)")) -- Transmited bytes, 7 fields from end of the line send = tonumber(line:match("([%d]+)%s+%d+%s+%d+%s+%d+%s+%d+%s+%d+%s+%d+%s+%d$")) args["{"..name.." rx_b}"] = math.floor(recv*10)/10 args["{"..name.." tx_b}"] = math.floor(send*10)/10 args["{"..name.." rx_kb}"] = math.floor(recv/1024*10)/10 args["{"..name.." tx_kb}"] = math.floor(send/1024*10)/10 args["{"..name.." rx_mb}"] = math.floor(recv/1024/1024*10)/10 args["{"..name.." tx_mb}"] = math.floor(send/1024/1024*10)/10 args["{"..name.." rx_gb}"] = math.floor(recv/1024/1024/1024*10)/10 args["{"..name.." tx_gb}"] = math.floor(send/1024/1024/1024*10)/10 if nets[name] == nil then -- Default values on the first run nets[name] = {} args["{"..name.." down}"] = "n/a" args["{"..name.." up}"] = "n/a" args["{"..name.." down_b}"] = 0 args["{"..name.." up_b}"] = 0 args["{"..name.." down_kb}"] = 0 args["{"..name.." up_kb}"] = 0 args["{"..name.." down_mb}"] = 0 args["{"..name.." up_mb}"] = 0 args["{"..name.." down_gb}"] = 0 args["{"..name.." up_gb}"] = 0 nets[name].time = os.time() else -- Net stats are absolute, substract our last reading interval = os.time() - nets[name].time nets[name].time = os.time() down = (recv - nets[name][1])/interval up = (send - nets[name][2])/interval args["{"..name.." down_b}"] = math.floor(down*10)/10 args["{"..name.." up_b}"] = math.floor(up*10)/10 args["{"..name.." down_kb}"] = math.floor(down/1024*10)/10 args["{"..name.." up_kb}"] = math.floor(up/1024*10)/10 args["{"..name.." down_mb}"] = math.floor(down/1024/1024*10)/10 args["{"..name.." up_mb}"] = math.floor(up/1024/1024*10)/10 args["{"..name.." down_gb}"] = math.floor(down/1024/1024/1024*10)/10 args["{"..name.." up_gb}"] = math.floor(up/1024/1024/1024*10)/10 end -- Store totals nets[name][1] = recv nets[name][2] = send end end f:close() return args end -- }}} setmetatable(_M, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })