-- {{{ Grab environment local tonumber = tonumber local math = { floor = math.floor } local helpers = require("vicious.helpers") local spawn = require("vicious.spawn") local string = { gmatch = string.gmatch, match = string.match, format = string.format } -- }}} -- Battery: provides battery level of requested battery -- vicious.widgets.battery_freebsd local bat_freebsd = {} -- {{{ Battery widget type local function parse(stdout, stderr, exitreason, exitcode) local bat_info = {} for line in string.gmatch(stdout, "[^\n]+") do for key,value in string.gmatch(line, "(.+):%s+(.+)") do bat_info[key] = value end end -- current state -- see: https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/blob/master/usr.sbin/acpi/acpiconf/acpiconf.c local battery_state = { ["high"] = "↯", ["charging"] = "+", ["critical charging"] = "+", ["discharging"] = "-", ["critical discharging"] = "!", ["critical"] = "!", } local state = battery_state[bat_info["State"]] or "N/A" -- battery capacity in percent local percent = tonumber(string.match(bat_info["Remaining capacity"], "[%d]+")) -- use remaining (charging or discharging) time calculated by acpiconf local time = bat_info["Remaining time"] if time == "unknown" then time = "∞" end -- calculate wear level from (last full / design) capacity local wear = "N/A" if bat_info["Last full capacity"] and bat_info["Design capacity"] then local l_full = tonumber(string.match(bat_info["Last full capacity"], "[%d]+")) local design = tonumber(string.match(bat_info["Design capacity"], "[%d]+")) wear = math.floor(l_full / design * 100) end -- dis-/charging rate as presented by battery local rate = string.match(bat_info["Present rate"], "([%d]+)%smW") rate = string.format("%2.1f", tonumber(rate / 1000)) -- returns -- * state (high "↯", discharging "-", charging "+", N/A "⌁" } -- * remaining_capacity (percent) -- * remaining_time, by battery -- * wear level (percent) -- * present_rate (mW) return {state, percent, time, wear, rate} end function bat_freebsd.async(format, warg, callback) local battery = warg or "batt" spawn.easy_async("acpiconf -i " .. helpers.shellquote(battery), function (...) callback(parse(...)) end) end -- }}} return helpers.setasyncall(bat_freebsd)