112 lines
2.9 KiB
112 lines
2.9 KiB
-- Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2
-- * (c) 2010, MrMagne <mr.magne@yahoo.fr>
-- * (c) 2010, Mic92 <jthalheim@gmail.com>
-- {{{ Grab environment
local type = type
local tonumber = tonumber
local io = { popen = io.popen }
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local os = { execute = os.execute }
local table = { insert = table.insert }
local string = {
find = string.find,
match = string.match,
format = string.format,
gmatch = string.gmatch
-- }}}
-- Pulse: provides volume levels of requested pulseaudio sinks and methods to change them
-- {{{ Helper function
local function pacmd(args)
local f = io.popen("pacmd "..args)
local line = f:read("*all")
return line
local function escape(text)
local special_chars = { ["."] = "%.", ["-"] = "%-" }
return text:gsub("[%.%-]", special_chars)
local cached_sinks = {}
local function get_sink_name(sink)
if type(sink) == "string" then return sink end
-- avoid nil keys
local key = sink or 1
-- Cache requests
if not cached_sinks[key] then
local line = pacmd("list-sinks")
for s in string.gmatch(line, "name: <(.-)>") do
table.insert(cached_sinks, s)
return cached_sinks[key]
-- }}}
-- {{{ Pulseaudio widget type
local function worker(format, sink)
sink = get_sink_name(sink)
if sink == nil then return {0, "unknown"} end
-- Get sink data
local data = pacmd("dump")
-- If mute return 0 (not "Mute") so we don't break progressbars
if string.find(data,"set%-sink%-mute "..escape(sink).." yes") then
return {0, "off"}
local vol = tonumber(string.match(data, "set%-sink%-volume "..escape(sink).." (0x[%x]+)"))
if vol == nil then vol = 0 end
return { vol/0x10000*100, "on"}
-- }}}
-- {{{ Volume control helper
function add(percent, sink)
sink = get_sink_name(sink)
if sink == nil then return end
local data = pacmd("dump")
local pattern = "set%-sink%-volume "..escape(sink).." (0x[%x]+)"
local initial_vol = tonumber(string.match(data, pattern))
local vol = initial_vol + percent/100*0x10000
if vol > 0x10000 then vol = 0x10000 end
if vol < 0 then vol = 0 end
local cmd = string.format("pacmd set-sink-volume %s 0x%x >/dev/null", sink, vol)
return os.execute(cmd)
function toggle(sink)
sink = get_sink_name(sink)
if sink == nil then return end
local data = pacmd("dump")
local pattern = "set%-sink%-mute "..escape(sink).." (%a%a%a?)"
local mute = string.match(data, pattern)
-- 0 to enable a sink or 1 to mute it.
local state = { yes = 0, no = 1}
local cmd = string.format("pacmd set-sink-mute %s %d", sink, state[mute])
return os.execute(cmd)
-- }}}
setmetatable(_M, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })