32 lines
962 B
32 lines
962 B
-- {{{ Grab environment
local tonumber = tonumber
local string = { match = string.match }
local helpers = require"vicious.helpers"
local spawn = require"vicious.spawn"
-- }}}
-- Volume: provides volume levels and state of requested mixer
-- vicious.widgets.volume_freebsd
local volume_freebsd = {}
-- {{{ Volume widget type
local STATE = { on = '🔉', off = '🔈' }
local function parse(stdout, stderr, exitreason, exitcode)
-- Capture mixer control state, e.g. 42 : 42
local voll, volr = string.match(stdout, "([%d]+):([%d]+)$")
if voll == "0" and volr == "0" then return { 0, 0, STATE.off } end
return { tonumber(voll), tonumber(volr), STATE.on }
function volume_freebsd.async(format, warg, callback)
if not warg then return callback{} end
spawn.easy_async("mixer -s " .. helpers.shellquote(warg),
function (...) callback(parse(...)) end)
-- }}}
return helpers.setasyncall(volume_freebsd)