65 lines
1.6 KiB
65 lines
1.6 KiB
-- Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
-- * Copyright (C) 2009 olcc
-- {{{ Grab environment
local pairs = pairs
local io = { popen = io.popen }
local setmetatable = setmetatable
-- }}}
-- RSS: provides latest world news
-- {{{ RSS widget type
local function worker(format, input)
-- input: * feed - feed url
-- * object - entity to look for (typically: 'item')
-- * fields - fields to read (example: 'link', 'title', 'description')
-- output: * count - number of entities found
-- * one table for each field, containing wanted values
local feed = input.feed
local object = input.object
local fields = input.fields
-- Initialise tables
local out = {}
for _, v in pairs(fields) do
out[v] = {}
-- Initialise variables
local ob = nil
local i,j,k = 1, 1, 0
local curl = "curl -A 'Mozilla/4.0' -fsm 5 --connect-timeout 3 "
-- Get the feed
local f = io.popen(curl .. '"' .. feed .. '"')
local feed = f:read("*all")
while true do
i, j, ob = feed.find(feed, "<" .. object .. ">(.-)</" .. object .. ">", i)
if not ob then break end
for _, v in pairs(fields) do
out[v][k] = ob:match("<" .. v .. ">(.*)</" .. v .. ">")
k = k+1
i = j+1
-- Update the entity count
out.count = k
return out
-- }}}
setmetatable(_M, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })