
63 lines
2.2 KiB

-- Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2
-- * (c) 2010, Adrian C. <>
-- {{{ Grab environment
local tonumber = tonumber
local io = { popen = io.popen }
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local string = {
find = string.find,
match = string.match
-- }}}
-- Wifi: provides wireless information for a requested interface
-- {{{ Wireless widget type
local function worker(format, iface)
-- Default values
local winfo = {
["{ssid}"] = "N/A",
["{mode}"] = "N/A",
["{chan}"] = "N/A",
["{rate}"] = 0,
["{link}"] = 0,
["{sign}"] = 0
-- Get data from iwconfig where available
local f = io.popen("iwconfig " .. iface .. " 2>&1")
local iw = f:read("*all")
-- iwconfig wasn't found, isn't executable, or non-wireless interface
if iw == nil or string.find(iw, "No such device") then
return winfo
-- Output differs from system to system, some stats can be
-- separated by =, and not all drivers report all stats
winfo["{ssid}"] = -- SSID can have almost anything in it
string.match(iw, 'ESSID[=:]"([%w%p]+[%s]*[%w%p]*]*)"') or winfo["{ssid}"]
winfo["{mode}"] = -- Modes are simple, but also match the "-" in Ad-Hoc
string.match(iw, "Mode[=:]([%w%-]*)") or winfo["{mode}"]
winfo["{chan}"] = -- Channels are plain digits
tonumber(string.match(iw, "Channel[=:]([%d]+)") or winfo["{chan}"])
winfo["{rate}"] = -- Bitrate can start with a space, we don't want to display Mb/s
tonumber(string.match(iw, "Bit Rate[=:]([%s]?[%d%.]*)") or winfo["{rate}"])
winfo["{link}"] = -- Link quality can contain a slash (32/70), match only the first number
tonumber(string.match(iw, "Link Quality[=:]([%d]+)") or winfo["{link}"])
winfo["{sign}"] = -- Signal level can be a negative value, don't display decibel notation
tonumber(string.match(iw, "Signal level[=:]([%-]?[%d]+)") or winfo["{sign}"])
return winfo
-- }}}
setmetatable(_M, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })