74 lines
2.2 KiB
74 lines
2.2 KiB
-- Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
-- * Copyright (C) 2009 Adrian C. <anrxc_sysphere_org>
-- * Derived from org-awesome, copyright of Damien Leone
-- {{{ Grab environment
local io = { open = io.open }
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local string = { find = string.find }
local os = {
time = os.time,
date = os.date
-- }}}
-- Org: provides agenda statistics for Emacs org-mode
-- {{{ OrgMode widget type
local function worker(format, files)
-- Compute delays
local today = os.time{ year=os.date("%Y"), month=os.date("%m"), day=os.date("%d") }
local soon = today + 24 * 3600 * 3 -- 3 days ahead is close
local future = today + 24 * 3600 * 7 -- 7 days ahead is maximum
-- Initialise count table
local count = {
past = 0,
today = 0,
soon = 0,
future = 0
-- Get data from agenda files
for i=1, #files do
local f = io.open(files[i])
-- Parse the agenda
for line in f:lines() do
local scheduled = string.find(line, "SCHEDULED:")
local closed = string.find(line, "CLOSED:")
local deadline = string.find(line, "DEADLINE:")
if (scheduled and not closed) or (deadline and not closed) then
local b, e, y, m, d = string.find(line, "(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d)-(%d%d)")
-- Enumerate agenda items
if b then
local t = os.time{ year = y, month = m, day = d }
if t < today then
count.past = count.past + 1
elseif t == today then
count.today = count.today + 1
elseif t <= soon then
count.soon = count.soon + 1
elseif t <= future then
count.future = count.future + 1
return {count.past, count.today, count.soon, count.future}
-- }}}
setmetatable(_M, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })