• v1.0

    3 Open
    33 Closed
    Updated 2023-09-18 14:54:06 +02:00
    No due date

    The v1.0 release will be the first usable stage of the generated type definitions. All the generated .d.tl files should be validated by cyan check to be working.

    At this stage, the default awesomerc.lua should be translatable to the Teal equivalent awesomerc.tl, and buildable to be used by Awesome without any feature regression (1). Most features from Awesome should be available to be written with Teal.

    This release will be finalized by the publication of a package with the generated type definitions. (2)

    1: Except necessary code adaptation. For instance, the default awesomerc.lua assigns the screen's wibar and widgets instances to the actual screen instance. It is not allowed by Teal to add arbitrary members to an object typed with a specific Record type.

    2: It is yet to decide whether this package should be a rock distributed by Luarocks, a PR to the teal-types repository, or a separate tar/zip archive.