Add gears_shape_function type_fix #70

Aire-One merged 1 commits from fix/gears-shape-function-type into master 2022-12-30 20:54:46 +01:00
1 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
local List = require "pl.List"
local Map = require "pl.Map"
local gears_shape_function = "function(cr: any, width: integer, height: integer)"
local type_fix <const> : Map<string, string> = Map({
awesome = "awesome",
Awesome = "awesome",
bool = "boolean",
client = "client",
Client = "client",
["gears.shape"] = "Shape",
["gears.shape"] = gears_shape_function,
["gears.surface"] = "Surface",
image = "Image",
int = "integer",
screen = "screen",
Screen = "screen",
shape = "Shape",
shape = gears_shape_function,
surface = "Surface",
tag = "tag",
Tag = "tag",