
3.5 KiB

A widget for the Awesome Window Manager to monitor the network with Connman

This widget uses the connman_dbus library.


In addition to the requirements listed in the rockspec file, you will need the Awesome Window Manager and Connman (for more information about this, see the connman_dbus documentation).

You will also need the DBus headers (dbus.h) installed. For example, Debian and Ubuntu provide the DBus headers with the libdbus-1-dev package, Fedora, RedHad and CentOS provide them with the dbus-devel package, while Arch provides them (alongside the binaries) with the libdbus package.


Using Luarocks

Probably, the easiest way to install this widget is to use luarocks:

luarocks install connman_widget

You can use the --local option if you don't want or can't install it system-wide

This will ensure that all its dependencies are installed.

A note about ldbus

This module depends on the ldbus module that provides the low-level DBus bindings

luarocks install --server= \
    ldbus \
    DBUS_INCDIR=/usr/include/dbus-1.0/ \

As usual, you can use the --local option if you don't want or can't install it system-wide.

From source

Alternatively, you can copy the connman_widget.lua file in your ~/.config/awesome folder. You will have to install all the dependencies manually though (see the rockspec file for more information).


The widget displays network icons that are searched in the folders defined in the table beautiful.connman_icon_theme_dirs with extensions defined in the table beautiful.connman_icon_extensions. The default is to look into "/usr/share/icons/Adwaita/scalable/devices/" and "/usr/share/icons/Adwaita/scalable/status/"for icons whose extension is "svg". Note that the directory paths must end with a slash and that the extensions must not contain a dot. The icons are searched using Awesome's awful.util.geticonpath function.

Depending on your network devices, you may need some or all of the icons whose name starts with network-.

You can specify a GUI client to be launched when the widget is right-clicked. This can be done by changing the gui_client field of the widget. The default is econnman-bin that needs the EFL libraries and their Python bindings; other Desktop clients are also available.

Mouse controls

When the widget is focused:

  • Right button: launches GUI client (defined by the gui_client field; defaults to econnman-bin)


A tooltip with the currently connected network is shown. It will simply say Wired for a wired connection, or it will show the WiFi SSID and signal strenght for a wireless connection.


Add the following to your ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua:

Require the module:

-- require *after* `beautiful.init` or the theme will be inconsistent!
local connman = require("connman_widget")
-- override the GUI client.
connman.gui_client = "wicd"

Add the widget to your layout:



Currently, only wired (ethernet) and WiFi connections are supported.