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Logout widget

Widget which allows to perform lock, reboot, log out, power off and sleep actions. If can be called either by a shortcut, or by clicking on a widget in wibar.



Clone this (if not cloned yet) and the Awesome-buttons repos under ./.config/awesome/

cd ./.config/awesome/
git clone
git clone


  • to show by shortcut:

    local logout = require("awesome-wm-widgets.experiments.logout-widget.logout")
    globalkeys = gears.table.join(
        -- define a shorcut in globalkey
        awful.key({ modkey }, "l", function() logout.launch() end, {description = "Show logout screen", group = "custom"}),
  • to show by clicking on a widget in wibar:

    local logout = require("awesome-wm-widgets.experiments.logout-widget.logout")
    s.mytasklist, -- Middle widget
            { -- Right widgets
                layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
                    bg_color = "#000000",
                    accent_color = "#888888",
                    text_color = '#ffffff',
                    phrases = {'Yippee ki yay!', 'Hasta la vista, baby', 'See you later, alligator!', 'After a while, crocodile.'},
                    onlogout = function() naughty.notify{text = "Logged out!"} end


Name Default Description
bg_color beautiful.bg_normal The color the background of the
accent_color beautiful.bg_focus The color of the buttons
text_color beautiful.fg_normal The color of text
phrases {'Goodbye!'} The table with phrase(s) to show, if more than one provided, the phrase is chosen randomly
onlogout function() awesome.quit() end Function which is called when the logout button is pressed
onlock Function which is called when the lock button is pressed
onreboot Function which is called when the reboot button is pressed
onsuspend function() awful.spawn.with_shell("systemctl suspend") end Function which is called when the suspend button is pressed
onpoweroff function() awful.spawn.with_shell("shutdown now") end Function which is called when the poweroff button is pressed