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Gitlab widget

GitHub issues by-label

The widget shows the number of merge requests assigned to the user and when clicked shows additional information, such as

  • author's name and avatar (opens user profile page when clicked);
  • MR name (opens MR when clicked);
  • source and target branches;
  • when was created;
  • number of comments;
  • number of approvals.



It is possible to customize widget by providing a table with all or some of the following config parameters:

Name Default Description
icon ./icons/gitlab-icon.svg Path to the icon
host Required e.g
access_token Required e.g h2v531iYASDz6McxYk4A
timeout 60 How often in seconds the widget should be refreshed


  • to get the access token, go to User Settings -> Access Tokens and generate a token with api scope


Clone/download repo and use widget in rc.lua:

local gitlab_widget = require("awesome-wm-widgets.gitlab-widget.gitlab")
s.mytasklist, -- Middle widget
	{ -- Right widgets
    	layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
		-- default
            host = '',
            access_token = 'h2v531iYASDz6McxYk4A'