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# AwesomeWM
Set of super simple widgets compatible with Awesome Window Manager v.4+.
or with separators
From left to right:
- [spotify-widget]( / [rhythmbox-widget](
- [cpu-widget](
- [weather-widget](
- [email-widget](
- [brightness-widget](
- [volume-widget](
- [volumebar-widget](
- [volumearc-widget](
- [batteryarc-widget](
- [battery-widget](
These widgets use [Arc icon theme]( by default but it could be easily
changed to any other icon theme. If you want to have separators between widgets like on the screenshot create text widget with ` : ` and place it between widgets:
sprtr = wibox.widget.textbox()
sprtr:set_text(" : ")
# Installation
Clone repo under **~/.config/awesome/**, then in **rc.lua** add the import of the widget you'd like to use in "require" section on the top of the file:
and then add widget to the wibox (you can search for **mytextclock** and add widget before):
-- Add widgets to the wibox
s.mywibox:setup {
layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal,
{ -- Left widgets
s.mytasklist, -- Middle widget
{ -- Right widgets
You will also need to install [Arc icon theme]( By default it should be installed under **/usr/share/icons/Arc**. If you prefer different installation folder then you'll have to change path to the icons in the source code of the widget you want to use.
# Icons
If you don't want to install Arc icon theme you can just download the icons which are used from the [Arc repository](
Or create your own icons with the same name.
In case of any questions/suggestions don't hesitate to contact me, I would be happy to help :)
PRs/issues and st★rs are welcome!