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# Volume widget
Volume widget based on [amixer]( (is used for controlling the audio volume) and [pacmd]( (is used for selecting a sink/source). Also, the widget provides an easy way to customize how it looks, following types are supported out-of-the-box:
From left to right: `horizontal_bar`, `vertical_bar`, `icon`, `icon_and_text`, `arc`
A right-click on the widget opens a popup where you can choose a sink/source:
Left click toggles mute and middle click opens a mixer ([pavucontrol]( by default).
### Features
- switch between sinks/sources by right click on the widget;
- more responsive than previous versions of volume widget, which were refreshed once a second;
- 5 predefined customizable looks;
## Installation
Clone the repo under **~/.config/awesome/** and add widget in **rc.lua**:
local volume_widget = require('awesome-wm-widgets.volume-widget.volume')
s.mytasklist, -- Middle widget
{ -- Right widgets
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
-- default
-- customized
widget_type = 'arc'
Note that the widget uses following command to get the current volume: `amixer -c 1 -D pulse sget Master`, so please make sure that it works for you, otherwise you need to set some parameters by entering this command in the terminal:
Command output:
- Some data of a mixer: Override all parameters you've changed
- Error `Invalid card number`: Change parameter `-c`/ `card`
- Error `Mixer attach pulse error: No such file or directory`: Change parameter `-D`/ `device`
- Error `Unable to find simple control 'Master',0`: Change parameter `mixctrl`
Note: `amixer[ -c ...][ -D ...]` returns a list of Mixers for the selected card/ device. omitting `-D` falls back to `default`.
### Shortcuts
To improve responsiveness of the widget when volume level is changed by a shortcut use corresponding methods of the widget:
awful.key({ modkey }, "]", function() volume_widget:inc(5) end),
awful.key({ modkey }, "[", function() volume_widget:dec(5) end),
awful.key({ modkey }, "\\", function() volume_widget:toggle() end),
You also can use Functional keycodes instead of symbols, e.g. `XF86AudioRaiseVolume` instead of `"]"`.
awful.key({}, "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", function() end),
awful.key({}, "XF86AudioLowerVolume", function() volume_widget.dec() end),
awful.key({}, "XF86AudioMute", function() volume_widget.toggle() end),
If you don't know the name of the key, you can use `xev` to find it out.
Or you can use `amixer` and `playerctl` to control the volume and media players.
awful.key({}, "XF86AudioLowerVolume", function ()
awful.util.spawn("amixer -q -D pulse sset Master 5%-", false) end),
awful.key({}, "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", function ()
awful.util.spawn("amixer -q -D pulse sset Master 5%+", false) end),
awful.key({}, "XF86AudioMute", function ()
awful.util.spawn("amixer -D pulse set Master 1+ toggle", false) end),
-- Media Keys
awful.key({}, "XF86AudioPlay", function()
awful.util.spawn("playerctl play-pause", false) end),
awful.key({}, "XF86AudioNext", function()
awful.util.spawn("playerctl next", false) end),
awful.key({}, "XF86AudioPrev", function()
awful.util.spawn("playerctl previous", false) end),
## Customization
It is possible to customize the widget by providing a table with all or some of the following config parameters:
### Generic parameter
| Name | Default | Description |
| `mixer_cmd` | `pavucontrol` | command to run on middle click (e.g. a mixer program) |
| `toggle_cmd` | *nil* | Use custom command instead of `amixer ... toggle` because [amixer's unmute option seems to be broken]( |
| `step` | 5 | How much the volume is raised or lowered at once (in %) |
| `widget_type` | `icon_and_text` | Widget type, one of `horizontal_bar`, `vertical_bar`, `icon`, `icon_and_text`, `arc` |
| `card` | 1 | Select the card name to control |
| `device` | `pulse` | Select the device name to control |
| `mixctrl` | `Master` | Select the mixer name to control |
| `value_type` | `-M` | Select how the volume is increased/ decreased (intended for `-M`/ `-R` parameters). See `man amixer` for additional info |
Note: If unmuting or toggling using the default amixer command does not work, this command may work: `pactl set-sink-mute [card] toggle`
Depends on the chosen widget type add parameters from the corresponding section below:
#### `icon` parameters
| Name | Default | Description |
| `icon_dir` | `[widget_dir]/icons` | Path to the folder with icons (absolute path) |
_Note:_ if you are changing icons, the folder should contain following .svg images:
- audio-volume-high-symbolic
- audio-volume-medium-symbolic
- audio-volume-low-symbolic
- audio-volume-muted-symbolic
#### `icon_and_text` parameters
| Name | Default | Description |
| `icon_dir` | `[widget_dir]/icons` | Path to the folder with icons (absolute path) |
| `font` | `beautiful.font` | Font name and size, like `Play 12` |
#### `arc` parameters
| Name | Default | Description |
| `thickness` | 2 | Thickness of the arc |
| `main_color` | `beautiful.fg_color` | Color of the arc |
| `bg_color` | `#ffffff11` | Color of the arc's background |
| `mute_color` | `beautiful.fg_urgent` | Color of the arc when mute |
| `size` | 18 | Size of the widget |
#### `horizontal_bar` parameters
| Name | Default | Description |
| `main_color` | `beautiful.fg_normal` | Color of the bar |
| `mute_color` | `beautiful.fg_urgent` | Color of the bar when mute |
| `bg_color` | `#ffffff11` | Color of the bar's background |
| `width` | 50 | The bar width |
| `margins` | 10 | Top and bottom margins (if your wibar is 22 px high, bar will be 2 px = 22 - 2*10) |
| `shape` | `bar` | [gears.shape](, could be `octogon`, `hexagon`, `powerline`, etc |
| `with_icon` | true | Show volume icon|
_Note:_ I didn't figure out how does the `forced_height` property of progressbar widget work (maybe it doesn't work at all), thus there is a workaround with margins.
#### `vertical_bar` parameters
| Name | Default | Description |
| `main_color` | `beautiful.fg_normal` | Color of the bar |
| `mute_color` | `beautiful.fg_urgent` | Color of the bar when mute |
| `bg_color` | `#ffffff11` | Color of the bar's background |
| `width` | 10 | The bar width |
| `margins` | 20 | Top and bottom margins (if your wibar is 22 px high, bar will be 2 px = 22 - 2*10) |
| `shape` | `bar` | [gears.shape](, could be `octogon`, `hexagon`, `powerline`, etc |
| `with_icon` | true | Show volume icon|