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📎 Layouts

Choose layouts from the list below and add them to to your awful.layouts list in your rc.lua.

Each layout supports multiple master clients and master width factors, making them easy to use.

The mstab layout uses the tab theme from the tabbed module.


Theme Variables

-- mstab
theme.mstab_bar_disable = false        -- disable the tabbar
theme.mstab_bar_ontop = false          -- whether you want to allow the bar to be ontop of clients
theme.mstab_dont_resize_slaves = false -- whether the tabbed stack windows should be smaller than the
                                       -- currently focused stack window (set it to true if you use
                                       -- transparent terminals. False if you use shadows on solid ones
theme.mstab_bar_padding = "default"    -- how much padding there should be between clients and your tabbar
                                       -- by default it will adjust based on your useless gaps.
                                       -- If you want a custom value. Set it to the number of pixels (int)
theme.mstab_border_radius = 0          -- border radius of the tabbar
theme.mstab_bar_height = 40            -- height of the tabbar
theme.mstab_tabbar_position = "top"    -- position of the tabbar (mstab currently does not support left,right)
theme.mstab_tabbar_style = "default"   -- style of the tabbar ("default", "boxes" or "modern")
                                       -- defaults to the tabbar_style so only change if you want a
                                       -- different style for mstab and tabbed


Mstab (dynamic tabbing layout)

screenshot by JavaCafe01


screenshot by HeavyRain266

Equal area

screenshot by bysmutheye


The left area shows the deck layout in action. In this screenshot it is used together with layout machi and its sublayout support.

screenshot by JavaCafe01