
26 lines
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## 😋 Window Swallowing <!-- {docsify-ignore} -->
Can your window manager swallow? It probably can...
### Usage
To activate and deactivate window swallowing here are the following functions. If you want to activate it, just call the `start` function once in your `rc.lua`.
bling.module.window_swallowing.start() -- activates window swallowing
bling.module.window_swallowing.stop() -- deactivates window swallowing
bling.module.window_swallowing.toggle() -- toggles window swallowing
### Theme Variables
theme.parent_filter_list = {"firefox", "Gimp"} -- class names list of parents that should not be swallowed
theme.child_filter_list = { "Dragon" } -- class names list that should not swallow their parents
theme.swallowing_filter = true -- whether the filters above should be active
### Preview
*gif by [Nooo37](*