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🏬 Tiled Wallpaper

screenshots by Nooo37


The function to set an automatically created tiled wallpaper can be called the following way (you don't need to set every option in the table):

awful.screen.connect_for_each_screen(function(s)  -- that way the wallpaper is applied to every screen 
    bling.module.tiled_wallpaper("x", s, {        -- call the actual function ("x" is the string that will be tiled)
        fg = "#ff0000",  -- define the foreground color
        bg = "#00ffff",  -- define the background color
        offset_y = 25,   -- set a y offset
        offset_x = 25,   -- set a x offset
        font = "Hack",   -- set the font (without the size)
        font_size = 14,  -- set the font size
        padding = 100,   -- set padding (default is 100)
        zickzack = true  -- rectangular pattern or criss cross