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<- widgets

Shows disk space usage for a set partition.

Displays a notification when the partition is full or has low space.

mypartition = lain.widgets.fs()

input table

Variable Meaning Type Default
timeout Refresh timeout seconds - int 600
partition Partition to monitor string "/"
settings User settings function empty function

settings can use the following partition related value strings: used, available, size_mb, size_gb.

It can also use value strings in these formats:

fs_info[p .. "used_p"]
fs_info[p .. "avail_p"]
fs_info[p .. "size_mb"]
fs_info[p .. "size_gb"]

where p is the "mount" column of the output of df command (/, /home, /boot, ...).

This means you can set the widget for a certain partition, but you can look up at others too.

Finally, settings can modify notification_preset table too. This table will be the preset for the naughty notifications. Check here for the list of variables it can contain.

output table

Variable Meaning Type
widget The widget wibox.widget.textbox
show The notification function

You can display the notification with a key binding like this:

awful.key({ altkey }, "h", function () end),

where altkey = "Mod1" and show argument is an optional integer, meaning timeout seconds.