
2.6 KiB

<- widgets

Please be warned: this is a temporary solution, since it works fine in normal situations but may causes little freezes if connection is sobbing. I am working on something much more solid.

Shows mail status in a textbox over IMAP protocol.

New mails are notified through a notification like this:

| +---+                                             |
| |\ /| has 3 new messages        |
| +---+                                             |
|       Latest From: Mickey Mouse <> |
|       Subject: Re: pay raise                      |
|                                                   |
|       Not after what you did yesterday.           |
|       Daisy told me everything [...]              |
|                                                   |

Text will be cut if the mail is too long.

myimapcheck = lain.widgets.imap(args)

The function takes a table as argument. Required table parameters are:

Variable Meaning Type
server Mail server string
mail User mail string
password User password string

while the optional are:

Variable Meaning Type Default
port IMAP port int 993
timeout Refresh timeout seconds int 60
encoding Mail character encoding string autodetected
maxlen Maximum chars to display in notification int 200
is_plain Define whether password is a plain password (true) or a function that retrieves it (false) boolean false
settings User settings function

Let's focus better on is_plain.

You can just set your password like this:

args.is_plain = false
args.password = "mypassword"

and you'll have the same security provided by ~/.netrc.

Or you can use a keyring, like python keyring:

args.password = "keyring get password"

When is_plain == false, it executes password before using it, so you can also use whatever password fetching solution you want.

settings can use the string mailcount, whose possible values are:

  • "0"
  • "invalid credentials"
  • string number

and can modify notification_preset table, which will be the preset for the naughty notifications. Check here for the list of variables it can contain. Default definition:

notification _preset = {
   icon = lain/icons/mail.png,
   timeout = 8,
   position = "top_left"


A textbox.